Page 54 of Tank

Phone calls?I stand, eager to rush back to my woman. “I have to go to her, make sure she’s safe.”

“Because she’s having your baby?” Dix asks the question rather than Ace.

“Yeah, that’s part of it.” The other part is my and Sophie’s business as soon as I get around to telling her just how important she’s become to me.

“For now, I need to get to her and bring her ass over here.” I wait for Ace to give me permission to leave Church, and he doesn’t. My arms and legs are tingling with worry while I hurry up and wait.

“Finding someone to get rid of Rojas is our top priority.” His gaze turns to me. “Find out if we can rely on Sophie to help first. Your personal shit comes second.”

“Got it.” She’s pissed, but I know she’ll do the right thing for the MC because she’s a good person who won’t let innocent people get hurt just to prove a point. “Can I go now?”

“You have two hours,” Ace says in a low voice. “And Lucky is going with you.” At my frown, he shrugs. “Lockdown.”

Fucking lockdown.

There’s nothing I can do about it. Ace made the order. All I can do is get my woman and make sure she’s right where she belongs.

At my side.



After spending the most incredible weekend with Tank, I’m floating on cloud nine. I’m in a bubble of happiness that no one and nothing can penetrate. Not my current unemployment, my swollen ankles, my constantly full bladder, or anything else that comes my way.

Despite my precarious situation, I’m happy. I’m confident as I run errands that nothing is possibly going to ruin my love high.

Shit.Is this love?I can’t deny that I’m feeling a big case of theloves,but that’s for me to enjoy…and talk to Tank about later. He accepted my refusal to come to the clubhouse with him pretty well, but I’m not naïve enough to think that’s the end of us talking about it. Something odd is going on, and I’m sure we’ll eventually have to talk about it in a real conversation.

But for now, there’s plenty of adulting to do. My first stop is yet another doctor’s appointment to check my blood pressure and make sure everything is progressing as it should with the baby. It is, and I walk out of the medical building feeling great. The baby is a healthy weight, everything looks normal, and I have an envelope in my purse that says whether we’re having a girl or a boy.

I can’t stop smiling as I slip behind the steering wheel and head to the pharmacy, and then the grocery store, because feeding a giant of a man like Tank for two days straight pretty much emptied my fridge and my cabinets. It’s no big deal. I plan to stock up again just in case he finishes his MC business early and drops by to say hi.

Or something.

The store is almost empty, aside from a few old timers stocking up on sale items, so I take my time, reading ingredients to make sure I get the most nutritious choices for me and the baby. The money Shades gave me has come in handy, and I’m grateful as hell for the assistance.

“Honey, can you grab that can of peaches for me?” An older woman smiles at me with her request.

Part of me wants to ask her if she’s insane, you know, belly and all, but the shelf isn’t that tall, and she’s a few inches shorter than me, so I smile wide and reach for the can. “The unsweetened ones taste more natural,” I tell her and grab those, too, before I keep shopping.

“Thank you, dear.”

“No problem,” I smile over my shoulder, skipping the canned fruits and vegetables in favor of fresh and frozen options. I grab frozen spinach and a bag of frozen fruit when I notice a man with dark hair and tattoos staring at me. I do my best to ignore him, but his gaze is like a kettlebell on my shoulders, heavy and pervasive, following me as I turn down the next aisle of frozen goods.

My heart pumps like crazy in my chest as I turn into the snack aisle just to get away from his terrifying gaze. Every turn takes me further away from him, or so I think.

“Oh!” The man is right there when I turn into the chocolate aisle, his glare dark and menacing as he grips the edge of my shopping cart. “Excuse me,” I say as I attempt to go around him, to end my time in his presence immediately, but he steps in my path again and again. “I said,excuseme.”

“What’s your name?” he asks easily enough, but it’s odd, and I frown, shaking my head.

“None of your business. Now, excuse me.” This jerk is starting to piss me off as much as he’s scaring me, and I nudge my cart forward, hoping to show him that while I might be afraid, I’m also a little crazy.

But his hands grip the cart again, hard enough that it’s impossible to move in any direction. He stares at me and a chill runs down my spine. “Sophie Harmon. Be careful. Your boyfriend is gonna die.”

My heart stops at his words, but I square my shoulders, trying not to pee myself in the middle of Sprouts. “I don’t have a boyfriend.”

His lips curl into a creepy grin. “Sure you don’t. Be careful out here. It’s not safe for a woman in your condition.” He stares at my belly long enough that it’s difficult not to see it as a threat, and when he walks away, I stand there, terrified and dumbfounded.