Page 68 of Tank

“Okay.” I nod and press a kiss to Hope’s head, more of a comfort to me than to her. “What about?”

He sighs and takes the seat Kenna just vacated, resting his ankle on his knee. “A job.”

His words shock me. “A job,” I say flatly. “Doing what?”

His brows knit together in confusion. “We need a medical professional to have on call when we need her. Stitching us up and shit like that. I know it’s not exactly what you were doing with Nova, and it’s probably not what you had in mind when you became a nurse, but this is the kind of job best kept in the family.”

His words echo in my mind.In the family.I think about his offer carefully. A job with the Reckless Souls might mean that I can spend these precious first few years with Hope.

I’ve done what he’s asking me to do before, much of it right at Nova’s side, stitching up knife wounds, bullet holes and setting broken bones. “I can do it,” I tell him hesitantly.

“But?” His gaze rests on my face as if he can see the gears churning in my head. “If this is about before, the stuff when Tank was locked up.”

“It’s not. I’m not one of you, and therefore, not privy to personal information. I was just scared.”

He nods. “Youweren’tone of us, now, you are. Now you’re fucking family, Sophie and that shit from before? It’s dead and buried.”

I nod, unsure what else to say about that. “Thank you for saying that, Ace, but that’s not thebut.”

“What’s the but?”

“Well, there’s a lot I can do as a nurse. I saw some pretty traumatic injuries at the clinic. And I’m very good at what I do. But what I can’t do, at all, is write prescriptions. So if you need anything we don’t have, I’m not your girl. You’ll need a doctor for that.”

“Yeah, okay. I’ll get with Nova to see how we can remedy that.”

“Okay, then. I’ll do it.” It’s a job so that I can make a living and show Hope that even if she has a man like Tank in her life, it’s important to be able to take care of yourself.

“Great. Thank you, Sophie.” He stands, shoving his hands in his pocket. “The pay is good. I won’t take advantage of you.”

“I know,” I smile up at him. “I know you’re a good man, Ace. Things were just a little heated and emotional before, but I know taking care of this MC is a big responsibility. I’ll help in any way I can.”


I nod. “You think Tank will be all right with this?”

Ace frowns. “It was his idea to ask you. Had me do it so you’d know we all agreed.”

Dammit, I love that man.“Okay, then.”

“Okay.” He nods and heads toward the door.

“Oh, Ace!”

He stops and turns. “Yeah?”

“Thank you.”

He flashes a friendly smile. “No, Sophie. Thank you.”

And then he’s gone, leaving me with just a little more hope for my future than I had when I walked into the clubhouse. “You hear that baby girl? Mama’s got a job.”

I got the man, the baby and the job.

I got it all.

