Page 67 of Tank

The more time I spend in the Reckless Souls clubhouse, the less surreal, the less threatening it all feels. They’re no longer this elusive monolith that I can paint with the same brush, not the women or the men. Kenna, for example, is as bitchy as ever, but it’s because she cares. These people are her family, and she is fiercely protective of them. But her sister Kelsey is totally chill, nice and sweet with a shot of steel going straight down her spine.

Some of the others I don’t know what to think about, but since the baby shower they are slowly coming around. Valentina is a bit stand-offish, but she doesn’t mean anything by it. Growing up in a cartel family has to take a toll on her. Letty is a sweetheart, and Gia is a tough girl, but no one is openly hostile.

Not anymore.

A shadow blocks out my sun a heartbeat before Kenna’s voice sounds. “How’s new motherhood going?”

I look up at her with her lopsided blond ponytail and tired hazel eyes, and I see myself when I look in the mirror each morning. We have more in common than either of us wants to acknowledge.

“Rough, but I’m adjusting. You?”

“Same,” she sighs. “Ryder is finally getting his schedule down, but I’m always tired. And hungry.”

I laugh at that. “Breastfeeding burns a ton of calories. I’d suggest increasing your calorie intake.”

Kenna cocks a brow at me. “While I’m trying to get rid of the last of this baby fat?” She scoffs. “And I was ready to apologize.”

I smile. “I thought the baby shower was the apology?” She glares at me, and I laugh lightly, careful not to wake up Hope.

“Seriously though, an extra three to four hundred calories will help, at least until you’re done breastfeeding.”

Her hazy gaze studies me, as if she’s trying to see if I’m full of shit or not. “Okay. Thank you.”

“No problem. Was there something else?”

Kenna opens her mouth like she has more to say but decides against it. She sighs, peeking over my shoulder where Hope is sleeping on my chest. “Are you planning on getting a job at the hospital now that the clinic is closed?”

“Yes. I mean, I think so. It’s too soon to think about it with Hope being so young. But eventually, I plan to return to nursing, and Angel Harbor General is the smart choice.”

Hannah is already working there, and she loves it. I know what she’s getting at and turn to face her. “I’m not trying to steal club money or whatever you’re thinking.”

Kenna laughs. “Oh, no. I wasn’t thinking anything like that.”

“Sure.” She’s protective, and since she’s the President’s Old Lady, she has to be. I get it, even if I don’t like it.

“I wasn’t. It’s just…never mind.”

“Kenna,” Ace’s deep voice sounds behind us, drawing gasps from both of us and a sleepy hiccup from Hope.

She turns with a smile for her man, and when I turn, I can’t help but smile at the picture the big strong biker makes holding his son in his arms. “Yes?”

“I told you I’d have this conversation with Sophie. Not you.”

Her cheeks blush, and her lips tug into a teasing smile. “I know, and I wasn’thaving a conversation, just merely checking in on a new mama. That’s part of what I do. Right?”

Ace bites back a smile as he walks forward, handing the baby off to Kenna. “You’re fine, Kenna. But this is whatIdo.”

“Yeah, yeah. You’re lucky I find you so irresistible.”

“Of course you do. We’ll be inside in a bit.” I have to admire a man who dismisses his wife without making her feel dismissed. That was smooth. Then he adds, “Love you.”

“Love you back,” she says and carries her son back inside.

I don’t say anything. I simply wait for Ace to say whatever it is he has to say. Our last few interactions didn’t go how I wanted them to go, especially given that now our lives are all tangled up together. “How are you feeling, Sophie?”

“I’m fine. Tired but in a good way, thanks. How are you?”

“Same,” he laughs, shaking his head as he casts a sweet look down at Hope. “There’s something I want to talk to you about.”