Page 61 of Tank

I hesitate, but more out of awe than anything. My hands are more used to grit and grime than scissors meant for something so delicate, so precious. Sophie gives me a nod. “All right,” and I say, “where do I cut?”

“Just here,” the doc directs. I take a second, thinking, I can face down a rival gang, but this... “It won’t hurt her?”

“No, it’s fine,” assures the nurse, ready to jump in if I fuck this up.

With a careful motion, I cut the cord, my daughter’s lifeline to Sophie now a symbol of her first step into independence. Applause goes around the room, but all I hear is the steady beat of newfound responsibility.

“You did good, Dad,” Sophie murmurs, the warmth in her voice melting any uncertainty.

I stand there, a half-smile playing on my lips, as emotions threaten to upend the calm I’ve fought to maintain. Deep breaths, Tank. I can’t fall apart now, not when my baby and my woman need me to be strong.

The nurse comes over with a pink bundle of baby and asks Sophie, “Mama, you ready to meet your baby girl?”

“Absolutely,” she sighs, holding out her arms.

As I watch Sophie cradle our daughter, an intense love surges through me, raw and real. Her tiny fingers, her perfect toes—it’s all surreal. “She’s beautiful.” I don’t know how I push the words past my lips because my voice is shaky. Emotional.

“She really is, isn’t she?”

I nod, reaching out to run a finger down her soft skin, her dark, downy hair. “Gorgeous, just like her mother. You did a great fucking job, Soph.”

She smiles up at me with her heart in her eyes. “Wedid a damn good job, didn’t we?”

The baby opens her eyes and they collide with mine as if she knows exactly who I am, and I can’t help the tear that slides down my cheek. How could something so small cause such love and loyalty and protectiveness in me after just a few minutes on this earth? I don’t know, but what I do know is that there’s no dragon, no villain, no evil I won’t slay for her. “Hey, baby girl, I’m your daddy.”

“Hold her,” Sophie encourages, and that’s the last of my resolve crumbling as I hold her tiny body in my arms. I stare at my little girl, letting her know that nothing in this world will ever hurt her, nothing will ever tarnish her innocence.

“She’s perfect,” I say, and my voice cracks.

Sophie sighs. “She’s a perfect blend of the two of us, aren’t you, Hope?”

I look down at her. “Hope?”

She nods. “Yeah. It came to me last night. She gives me hope. For us. For our future. Is that okay?”

I nod. The room just got a little bit brighter. “Hope.” I roll it around on my tongue. “Hope is perfect. Right, Hope?” I can’t prove it, but I swear her rosebud lips curve into a small smile. “She’s on board.”

Sophie yawns. “I’m okay,” she insists.

“You’re more than okay, Sophie. You’re a certified badass, bringing our daughter into the world the way you did. But you’re exhausted, and you need to rest.” I grip one shoulder and give her a gentle shove against the pillows. “Hope and I will be right here.” I lean forward and kiss her forehead. “We’re not going anywhere. Ever.”

“You came through,” Josie says sometime later, arms crossed as she leans against the door frame. “Good. I’m glad.”

I know a threat when I hear one, but I’m not offended. I’m happy as fuck Sophie has someone like Josie looking out for her. “I came as soon as I heard,” I tell her.

Josie walks into the room with the authority of a best friend and says, “Just be good to her, to both of them. And don’t let your MC shit put her in danger.”

“I have no plan on letting that happen.” Hopefully, Wild Man will have some news about that soon. “They’ll both be safe with me. You will, too,” I tell her with a smile. “Whether you like it or not.”

Josie points at me. “Don’t make me like you, Tank. Keep my girl happy, and we’re good.” She smiles down at Hope, her expression what Sophie callsgooey. “She’s adorable.”

“Hope, meet your Aunt Josie.”


“Hope Rutherford,” I confirm with a proud smile.

“Nice to meet you, Hope. Auntie Josie will be back tomorrow with tons of things for you.” With another kiss for Hope and a lightning-fast hug for me, Josie leaves the hospital room, not sparing a glance at Olly and Stone.