Page 59 of Tank

But I have bigger concerns. “I’m in labor, and my contractions are coming fast and hard. If anything happens to my baby, there’s nothing I won’t do to make you pay. Nothing.” The effect of my words is ruined by another contraction, but Josie has my back.

She pushes between Gia and Diesel, pulling me along. “Stay inside, and stay safe,” she throws behind her as we head toward her car. Two minutes later, I’m in the reclining passenger seat as my best friend breaks every speed law to get me to the hospital.

“Josie,” I whine. “It’s too soon. It’s too soon, and I’m not ready. And Tank isn’t here.” I’m scared, but I don’t need to say that to her. She just knows and reaches over to squeeze my hand.

“Youareready, Sophie. You’ve been ready for this for years. You don’t need Tank, and you don’t need me, but I’m here.”And he’s notremains unspoken between us.

I’m ready,I say to myself no less than a dozen times as we rush toward the hospital. I call Tank six or seven times, but he doesn’t answer. The calls roll straight to voicemail, which means his phone is off.He’s busy, I remind myself.Busy doing some shit he can’t tell me about.

I shove away that thought as Josie rolls into the ER parking lot. I help her fill out my paperwork, and then it feels like only seconds pass before a nurse wheels me off to the maternity ward and preps me for childbirth.

Holy shit, this is happening.


“Right behind ya, Soph!”

My best friend is here with me, not my baby’s daddy.

Did I just royally fuck up my life?



We arrive back at the clubhouse, feeling totally fucking dejected. Hours wasted, and we haven’t tracked down any of the motherfuckers who thought they could come after my woman and scare her without blowback. “That was a fucking bust.”

Ace nods, gripping my shoulder. “We’ll find those fuckers. Wild Man is already on it.”

I nod because I have no doubt about that, but I know I can’t make Sophie stay here for long. “We have to hunt these motherfuckers down before they wreak more havoc on our lives.”

“We will,” he assures me, but I’m only half-listening as I pull out my phone and frown.

“What the fuck?” I rush inside the clubhouse wondering what’s happened, and why I missed so many calls from Sophie? “Where is she?”

Kenna rushes up to Ace, sparing me a glance. “Sophie and her friend left. She’s in labor.”

“Kenna,” Ace says sternly. “What happened?”

Her gaze locks with mine. “She went into early labor, and her friend took her to the hospital.”

Gia adds, “They left a while ago, so you should probably get to Angel Harbor General right now.”

“I have to go,” I tell Ace as I rush toward the door. Sophie is probably scared and pissed off at me for not being there.

“It’s too dangerous,” Ace growls, shaking his head. “There are too many threats out there for you to roam the city on your own.”

“I’m hardly gonna beroaming the goddamn city, Ace. I’m going to the goddamn hospital where my woman is having a baby. Same as your woman, not all that long ago,” I remind him. His expression doesn’t change, which pisses me off. “Look, I know what the risks are. If it was anything other than the birth of my child, I wouldn’t go. But you know I have to.”

“And if the Latin Mafia or Bloodthirsty Devils catch up with you on your way there? If Rojas uses this as the perfect time to strike back at us, then what?”

I shrug. “Then that’s a risk I’ll have to take.”

The last thing I want to do is disrespect my Prez or my MC, but he needs to understand. “I’ve missed so much of the pregnancy, and she’s had to go through it all alone, withoutanyhelp,” I remind him angrily. “She’s been scared, threatened, and alone because I was locked up. Now that I’m not, I have to be there. I fucking have to.”

“Stone. Olly. Go with Tank to the hospital.” He turns to me with a serious expression that morphs into a smile. “Congratulations. Be safe.”

“I will, brother. Thanks.” I spot Olly and Stone, nod, and walk out of the clubhouse with my heart pounding in my chest. I’ve faced down terrorists, warlords, mass killers, and even a few bombers during my time as a SEAL. But a tiny little baby?