Page 52 of Tank

He nods. “I get it. Honestly.”

He didn’t because he couldn’t, but I let the intention of his words be enough. “Thanks, Tank. But really, I think it’s more important that I stay here. I don’t have a job, and I need to focus on finding a way to support myself, not hanging out at the clubhouse.”

He freezes, an unreadable expression on his face. “I see.”

“No,” I reach out to him. “I don’t mean it like that. It’s just that there’s a lot I have to deal with here, and you should, uhm, go on without me and take care of your business.”

Hurt shines in his eyes. This is the last thing he wants. Hell, it’s the last thing I want after the past two perfect days. But as much as I want Tank and the life we could have together. I can’t bury my head in the sand. Not now.

“You sure you don’t want to come? I can smooth things over.” His eyes swim with uncertainty, which confirms my answer.

“I’m sure. They weren’t exactly welcoming to me when I needed them, and I need to be able to rely on myself right now.”

It’s the only way I’ll know if I can do this on my own. Testing myself so that if I’m in similar circumstances where people aren’t there for me, I’ll know I can take care of myself.

“And that’s all?”

I divert my gaze, wondering if I should let him know about the cars following me. I want to, but the truth is that Tank already has a lot on his plate, and I still have no proof that it has anything to do with him. I’ll see if the problem persists. If it does, then I’ll talk to him about it. Until then, I’ll keep it to myself.

“Yep, that’s all.” It’s just a harmless lie, one to keep the peace.



Ace stands at the head of the table, a small smile on his face that doesn’t do a damn thing to hide his displeasure. When Church ends, I’m sure we’ll have words, but for now, he welcomes me with open arms.

“Let’s start today by welcoming back our brother-in-arms, Tank. Glad to have you back, man.”

I smile and accept handshakes and fist bumps from my brothers, all happy as fuck to see me.

“It’s so fucking good to be back.” I can’t even describe just how good it feels to be back with my brothers, back where I belong. “Did you fuckers miss me?”

Dix laughs, clapping me on the back before he wraps me in a half-handshake, half-hug greeting. “We missed you like jock itch, brother. Did you find a pretty girl in lockup?”

I laugh and shove at his chest, rolling my eyes. “No one as pretty as you,” I joke. Then, all the patched members gather around the table, and settle into the seats designated for each of them.

Church has officially begun.

Ace’s gaze turns serious as he looks around the table, taking in every detail of every single brother in attendance. “First order of business. I have some fucked up news.”

The room falls silent at his words. “Mouths shut, ears open,” Dix drawls slowly, his tone deadly serious. His gaze meets Ace’s and they communicate silently for a long minute before the Prez turns his attention to the room at large.

“I spoke with Riot, and he heard back from his brothers locked up in the federal prison system.” Ace’s jaw clenches tight, a sure sign of tension he’s trying really hard to hide. “You won’t even fucking believe who was behind the clinic bombing.”

“Latin Mafia?” I guess since those assholes came after me in lockup and because I’m pretty sure, even if I can’t prove it, that theirs were the voices I heard in the hole.

“Nope. Wanna guess again?”

“BTD?” Banger offers.

“Nope,” Ace says and looks around the table. A stern look on his face. “Arturo motherfuckin’ Rojas.”

“What the fuck?” Dix is up and on his feet instantly, his frown dark and deadly. “How the fuck is that possible when he’s on twenty-three-seven lockdown?”

Ace lays a steady hand on the VP’s shoulder. “We all know how easy it is to buy a prison guard, and the federal system isn’t special in that regard. But that’s not all.”

“What the fuck else could there be?” Coop is on the edge of his seat, worry on his face, no doubt agonizing about his wife and daughter.