Chapter 4
That Sunday, Hannah was sitting in her regular pew with the Boudreaus when she suddenly noticed a middle-aged woman standing next to her.
“Are you Hannah Higgins?”
She recognized the woman right away. It was Elaine Ryland, Jake’s mom.
Elaine pointed to the empty space next to her. “Mind if I sit?”
Hannah shook her head and slid closer to Emma. She was mystified by the unexpected visitor. Church seating arrangements were usually set in stone, by tradition if not law. Hannah had been sitting there for the past twelve years, and she didn’t even remember seeing Elaine attending this service, much less sitting nearby.
“Is this your daughter?” she asked, leaning over and extending her hand. “Oh! My goodness, I forgot to introduce myself! I’m Elaine Ryland, you’ve met my son, Jake.”
There was no way to avoid noticing the sparkling diamonds garnishing her wrist and fingers. Elaine looked like a slightly aged beauty queen, ready for a pageant. Her pose was positively regal. Hannah suddenly wished she had ironed her sundress.
“Elaine!” Maggie greeted the newcomer. “How are you?”
Hannah covered her smile with the Sunday Bulletin as she watched Maggie greet Elaine. From the way her forehead wrinkled, she was just as surprised to see her as Hannah was.
Elaine turned back to Hannah. “Jake told me you were looking for some extra work?”
She froze. Jake had told his mother about her losing her job? Now she was about to offer charity. It seemed that Jake took after his mother in the meddling department. Even worse, she was doing it right here in public, right in front of her daughter. Couldn’t she have waited until after the service, when it wouldn’t have called so much attention to them?
“No, I’m not.” She glanced sideways to see if Emma was listening. The twelve-year-old’s full attention was on Mrs. Ryland.
“Oh?” the woman’s face twisted in confusion. “I was looking for someone to clean my house once a week. If you know of anyone looking…”
She shrugged, then shook her head. “No, sorry.”
She tried to radiate annoyance, because she wanted Elaine to leave. The third pew was a sacred space for her, and she didn’t want some diamond-dripping woman pitying her in front of her family. Emma looked uncomfortable.
“Mom?” said a man’s voice from the aisle. “Good morning, Hannah. Emma.”
Hannah looked at the Sunday-best Jake. Clean-shaven, slicked back hair, in a perfectly tailored suit, Mr. Marine was somehow even hotter.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning, Mr. Malloy,” Emma greeted him, scooting over on the bench. “How’s Millie?”
“She’s sassy, but what’s new?” He smiled, showing off his pearly whites.
Elaine slid over, making room for Jake. “Sit down.”
Hannah noticed the hesitation, and a heavy weight dropped into her stomach. He didn’t want to sit with them.
“Josh is already over there, with Julia.” He gestured toward the back of the church. No wonder Hannah hadn’t noticed them before. Mrs. Ryland stood and craned her neck.
“They did come!” She waved, then turned back to Hannah. “It was good to meet you.” She stood, hooking her arm into Jake’s as they headed toward the back.
Hannah kept her eyes on Pastor Anita throughout the service, using every bit of self-control to not look behind her. That didn’t mean she wasn’t thinking about him, though. She heard none of the pastor’s sermon, only mouthed the hymns.
How could she have let him get so far under her skin?
After the pastor blessed the congregation, the choir, led by Annie, sang a high-energy gospel tune. People started filing out of the pews, heading toward the Fellowship Hall for coffee and treats.
“I promised I’d help in the kitchen,” Hannah said to Maggie as they left the sanctuary. “Come on, Emma, you need to help, too.”