Page 90 of Bully Roommate

She smelled like cigarettes and cheap perfume. “I’m looking for my mother,” I said, pulling out the only picture I had of her.

Her eyes lowered to the picture and a skeptical look crossed her aging face. “Never seen her.”

“This is serious,” I said, trying to keep my temper down.

She stood back, crossing her arms over her chest with a shrug. “I said, I never saw her.”

The other woman walked up, snatched the picture, and examined it. “Looks like Candy,” she whispered to herself. “I think she’s locked up.”

You have to be kidding me.

“Thanks,” I said.

“Wait a second,” she said, holding her palm out.


I went to dig into my wallet but she shook her head slowly. “I’d much rather take a ride with you for that money.”

“I’m not interested,” I said, giving her some cash. “Take the cash or leave it.”

She frowned but took it. “Candy is your mother?”

“It’s Sherri,” I corrected. “And yeah, unfortunately, she is.”

“She’s been locked up for days. That deadbeat biker she's been dating never showed up to bail her out. Are you going to get her?”

I put my truck into gear. “Something like that.”

A female officer sat behind the front desk when I walked into the station on Main Street. “I need to speak to my mother, Sherri, and I believe she’s been arrested.”

“Visiting hours are over.”

Closing my eyes, I ground my molars together. “Listen, this is important. I need to speak with her.Please.”

The office sighed. “Sherri is your mom?”

I nodded.

“Two minutes,” she said, standing up. I followed her to the back of the building toward the cells, passing a couple of people before we made it to my mother. She sat on one of the beds, rocking back and forth, most likely having a withdrawal.

Her dark eyes skated to mine and relief washed over her face. “Maverick,” she cried, running toward the bars. “I’m so glad you came. Who called you? Is Frankie okay?”

The officer held up two fingers before walking back up front.

“I need you to help me,” I said.

“Anything,” she said, nodding her head quickly.

“Do you remember the man that put me in the hospital when I was thirteen? The pimp? He’s got my girlfriend and I need your help finding him.”

The fear on her face told me she wasn’t going to help easily. “No—I, we can’t cross that man.”

“Listen,” I whispered. “I need you to be my mother for once in your life. I know he took her, and no one will help me. Please.”

She shook her head. “If you didn’t come to bail me out, leave, I can’t go against that man. I haven’t seen him in years. He’ll kill you and me if I try anything. He told me that.”

“If I bail you out will you help me?”