Page 76 of Bully Roommate

I’d always hated my breasts, but Maverick seemed to love them. Slowly, he backed me up against the counter, placing both palms on either side of me, and sucked one into his mouth. My eyes closed and a strange sound slipped from me.

Maverick’s hands slid my panties from my hips and I stepped out of them, helping him out of his pants and underwear. I’d never seen a naked man in the flesh before, and I tried my hardest not to look, but whom am I kidding?

I bit my lip, my eyes trailing down the hard lines of his torso and the dip of his oblique’s to the one part of him that I felt growing against my thigh.I don’t know where he thinks he’ll put that—because I don’t think it’s going to fit.

“Not tonight,” he whispered into my ear. “Tonight’s about you, Josie. You never got that release in the bed of my truck, and I’m going to give it to you.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat and let him walk me toward the warm shower. I felt his eyes all over my backside, and then the gentle squeeze of his palm against it. I slipped into the stream, relaxing as Maverick’s hand sank into my hair. He felt like a giant behind me, a gentle giant, which I didn’t think existed inside of him.Where has this man been all my life?

Maverick kissed down my throat to every scar that littered my body, even the ones I got from crashing my bike and falling from a magnolia tree when I was twelve. On bended knees, he gazed up at me, dark hair splayed across his forehead and his plush mouth opened. I watched as he slipped a finger inside of me and pressed the pad of his thumb against my sensitive bud.

I pressed my palm against the shower wall, and let Maverick place my leg over his shoulder. The sheer tenderness of his touch and the heat blazing in his eyes pushed me further than my finger would have ever.

In and out, he taunted me, slowly and then fast until I began to shake. My fingers sank into his hair, tugging as he sucked his way up and down my stomach. He stood up, never removing his finger, and crushed my mouth with his.

All the noises I’d tried to hide spilled out into our kiss, and I rode his finger as I figured someone at the rodeo did a bull. I wasn’t embarrassed—I felt free. Maverick interlaced his fingers into my hair and forced my mouth upward as he kissed me until I withered.

The hot shower, his fingers, and his mouth drove me to a place higher than I’d ever gone. A release—my first release—crashed down on me so hard that an embarrassing moan left my throat. Maverick didn’t stop kissing me. He removed his finger and slowly, pulling away, shoved it into his mouth, watching as I watched him.

My body exploded into electric currents that scared me.

Maverick kissed me again, and again, shoving me against the wall and gripping my neck in his palm. “Seeing you cum,” he whispered. “I’ve never seen anything like it. I’ll be the only man that ever makes you do it again.”

AndI believed him.

Chapter Twenty-Four


“Why are you sleeping with your gay roommate?”

What a way to wake up.The light blinded me as I rolled on my back and glanced at the ceiling. Josie sat frozen beside me, her gaze on the doorway, and I realized who said that. Her mother.

Dear God.

I jerked up, keeping the covers over me because I was in my underwear. Josie hadn’t said a word. I noticed her hair tied on top of her head and the love bites I’d given her the night before on display.You have to be kidding me.

When I was brave enough to look over, I noticed her Dad standing in the hallway behind her fuming mother. She carried two bags of groceries in each hand and I swore I noticed her eye twitch.

I cleared my throat. “We didn’t do anything.”

It was a half-lie. We did, but not what they assumed. Her mother started to speak Chinese to her, shouting and pointing her finger. Josie covered her face with her palms, and I fought the urge to comfort her.

Who even let them inside?

“Paige,” her dad said. “Calm down,” he gripped her upper arm and gave her a look. She tossed her hands up and walked out of the room. “Josie, go in there with your mother, I want to talk to Maverick.”

Josie looked over at me with red eyes. I gestured for her to go, and waited patiently for her to grab her shorts and exit. The silence felt heavy as her dad shut the door behind him and shoved his hands into his pockets.

“I know who you are,” he said carefully, looking around Josie’s room and back to me. He looked tired in his eyes as if he’d spent most of his life doing hard labor. “You went to my daughter’s school and played ball. I knew you liked my daughter the first time I came over here. You couldn’t keep your eyes off her, and I knew you weren’t gay. I mean—I wasn’t born yesterday.”

“You’d be right,” I said. “Listen, I don’t want to hurt Josie—,”

He waved his hand at me. “Don’t think I like seeing my daughter half-naked in a bed with a boy, but I’m not naïve enough to think it wouldn’t happen. Paige was raised differently than me, with more strict parents, morals, and whatnot. I know you weren’t, because I know your mother.”

Oh no …

“She was in my class in school. I know you might not know this about her because it was before your time, but she was smart. Level-headed at one point and a few bad decisions led her down the path she’s on.”