Page 65 of Bully Roommate

“It’s not their problem to worry about. I’ve done enough to Josie, she doesn’t need the anxiety of worrying her boyfriend is a nut job. I already made her life hell in high school.”

“How so?” Courtney asked.

I leaned forward and braced my face into my palms. “I bullied Josie in school, and I saw—I hurt her worse than I realized. I hate myself because of it. She doesn’t—didn’t—deserve it.”

“Has she forgiven you? Does she hold it against you?”

“No, but I deserve it!” I shouted, pointing a finger at my chest, trying to hold myself together. “I deserve her hate, but she doesn’t hate me. She forgave me, and I can’t forgive myself.”

Courtney uncrossed her legs. “Why was it Josie that you took this out on?”

I shook my head.I can’t.“I need to leave,” I said, standing up.

Courtney stood up with me, and walking me to the door, she placed her palm on my forearm. “I’m here if you need me. These emotions are good, Maverick, I know they hurt but they’re good to have.”

I left her without another word. Seeing her kind face after I let loose on her pissed me off more. Why couldn’t I be normal? I barreled out of the hallway into the main lobby, stopping when I noticed Waverly sitting behind the receptionist's desk.

She eyed me, lifting an eyebrow before glancing at the office I just emerged from.Can this day get any worse?


Artie slipped my check to me as I left work that night. It was half a week but enough to grab some groceries and get Frankie some new shoes on the way home. It only left me fifty dollars, and not enough to pay Josie back, but I planned to give her a hundred next week.

I stopped by a small shoe store down the road from Artie’s and grabbed Frankie some Nikes and a new t-shirt.

Frankie sat at the dining table with Josie, eating what looked like some lasagna when I got home. “Welcome home, Daddy,” Frankie said sarcastically.

I tossed him the bag of his stuff and leaned in to kiss Josie’s cheek. “I was paid for half a week, but I plan to start paying you back next week,” I said.

Josie smiled up at me. “It’s fine, Maverick—,”

“Awesome!” Frankie said, taking out his shoes and trying them on. The look on his face felt priceless. I’d do anything for that kid. “Thanks, Bro!” He raced around and hugged me tight.

Josie chuckled. “I think he likes them.”

I eyed the food. “Did Frankie leave any for me?” I asked, dropping a couple of bags of food onto the kitchen floor. “Kid eats like a grown man.”

“I saved you a plate in the oven.”

I heated it and sat across from her. I didn’t mind the silence as I ate and she sipped her cup of tea. “I went to counseling today.”

Josie tucked her dark locks behind her ear. “Oh yeah? How did it go?”

“Same. I just wanted you to know, because I did promise to go if you broke it off with King.”

Josie swirled her tea around in her mug. “Does it help?”

“Not sure,” I whispered. “I don’t like expressing my feelings, ya know, I let them bottle up and then I explode. It’s my thing.”

She chuckled. “You don’t say?”

I tossed a wadded-up napkin at her. “No homework tonight?”

“I have a little reading to do,” she said.

“Does it include strippers?” I asked.

She shot me a look and started to laugh. “Maybe—or maybe a college football player with wide shoulders and a broody smile.”