Page 49 of Bully Roommate

Once my shift at the writing center ended, India and I performed a happy dance about my internship, and I raced back to the apartment.

Jordan and Waverly sat with Frankie in the living room, but even her smirk couldn’t bring my excitement down. I ignored their stares and found a note attached to my door.

Heard some drama about King today at our football meeting. He also stared daggers into my head. I guess you broke the news. We need to exchange numbers. I’d hate to tell you what I want to do to you over a Post-It note that everyone can read it. See you tonight.

I dropped my bag, walked toward the kitchen, and started making myself some pasta. I didn’t even realize Jordan and Waverly moved to the dining room table to eat some cold sandwiches from the cafeteria.

“Josie!” Jordan yelled.

“Huh?” I asked, pouring my sauce into the pot. “What is it?”

He smiled. “You look lost today. Does it have anything to do with kicking King to the curb?”

Frankie walked over and leaned against the wall. “You want some pasta, Frankie? I have plenty.”

“Heck yeah, I’m starving, Maverick is taking forever to get back.”

I started making his plate, praying Jordan lost his train of thought, but he didn’t. “So, King, you broke hiswittleheart, Josie Lee.”

I bit my bottom lip and served Frankie his plate. “It wasn’t like that,” I said. “I just wasn’t feeling it.”

Jordan shrugged. “At least you were honest, plus, this stuff going on with Maverick—I’m sure it would have blown up if you hadn’t told him.”

I shoved pasta into my mouth to ignore the obvious.

Frankie slid onto the barstool next to Jordan and wiggled his eyes. “I knew he liked you. Dude had something up his butt crack for the longest, I’m glad you two arefriendlynow.” He grinned wide.

Heat swarmed my face.

Waverly looked like she held a lemon in her mouth, her pretty eyes narrowed on me. She was the typical high-school cheerleader with a petite body, blonde hair, and a pretty smile. Everything I wished I were in high school.Now, not so much.

“I don’t know if that was such a good idea,” she mumbled.

I swallowed my bite. “What?”

She shrugged her small shoulders, a look of indifference traveled across her features before she took her time with another bite. “I mean, Maverick doesn’tdo relationships, does he? Why would you toss King to the side, I’m sure you don’t have that many guys waiting in line for you.”

“Twat,” Frankie said. “No one asked you.”

Waverly’s face turned red but I assumed by the heat in my cheeks that mine mimicked hers. She wasn’t lying, even if it was a selfish reason to say it. It was true—mostly.

Jordan put his hands up in a surrender motion. “Okay, everybody calm down. Josie is a grown-up, and to be honest, I think Maverick likes her.”

Waverly smiled at Jordan but I didn’t miss the look of annoyance she sent my way. I couldn’t let her get to me. There was nothing else holding Maverick or me back anymore. King wasn’t in the picture, and she held no advantage. Shrugging, I walked toward my room and sat down on my bed.

Nerves skated across my skin. I wanted to share my news with Maverick, and couldn’t wait for him to make it home. Maybe I could sneak into his room later. Make a move? Kiss him?

I imagined lying next to him would be okay, wouldn’t it? I’d never done this before, my brain swirled with questions, and thoughts about how his experience outweighed mine.

Partly—mostly—it turned me on knowing he knew what to do. On the other hand, my lack of experience made me feel insecure. Biting my nails, I opened my Kindle app from my phone and scrolled through the romance novels.

I’d never been a huge romance reader, more of fantasy and sci-fi, but it wouldn’t hurt, would it? To gain a little experience? I giggled to myself and opened up the first one with a buff guy on the front.

I’ll just read a few chapters.

Chapter Sixteen
