Page 46 of Bully Roommate

“I’m sorry,” I whispered. “Deep down, I never wanted to hurt you. You didn’t deserve it.”

I saw the questions lingering on her tongue. She wanted to know as badly as I wanted to tell her, but the little boy inside wouldn’t let me.

He still held onto that day with a vice-like grip. I’d go to counseling for Josie, I’d go because I was tired and my need to live a normal life trumped my need for justice.

At least, I prayed it did.

Chapter Fifteen


I’m awake when my alarm goes off. Everything from the night before swirled in my head like a hurricane. I knew I had a quiz in Chapman’s Algebra class today, and I needed the rest, but my body refused to shut off.

Nothing a giant cup of Joe couldn’t conquer.

I peeled myself from bed, grabbing my clothes to make it to the bathroom before the boys. Most days they had football practice before class, but with the game only a day away, I figured they had a day to rest.

I walked past Maverick’s door, listening to the silence. I couldn’t sleep in silence, I needed a box fan or rain sounds to get through the night. I slipped into the bathroom, stripped, and stood in the hot water.

Thoughts of the night before floated in and out of my reach. Besides the obvious make-out session that still had my blood pumping wildly, I’d witness Maverick have a mini panic attack.

This wasn’t the person I knew in school. He most likely hid it from everyone. Being the King of campus didn’t come to people who had panic attacks.But why?I bit my bottom lip, washing the conditioner from my hair.

I needed to know.

At least he’d agreed to get help, which would maybe—hopefully—turn into him telling me what happened one day. I’d have to work on my patience. I slipped out of the shower, dressed, and brushed my teeth.

My phone buzzed against the counter.

King:You got plans this weekend?

I cringed. The other part of our agreement climbed up my throat. I needed to break whatever this was off with King. He hadn’t done anything bad to me. I hated myself for it. The old me said to get a grip and kick Maverick to the curb.

I couldn’t.

Not now that I understood, he held onto something.

Chewing on my lip, I started my text but stopped when the bathroom door popped open. I squealed. A sleepy Maverick stood on the other side. “How did you get the door opened? It’s locked.”

He braced himself against the doorjamb with his palm. My gaze lowered to his lack of a shirt, and low-slung sweats. I knew Maverick wasn’t my boyfriend, but I didn’t care, not at that moment anyway.

Could I openly touchnot my boyfriend, as I wanted to? I didn’t think he’d mind, but he’d always been the first to make a move.

I mentally rolled my eyes.This is college, Josie. You can do whatever you want to do. Who is going to tell you to stop?

Maverick’s chuckle sent the hair on my arm to attention. “If you look at me like that any longer, I’ll have to lock the door back, with both of us inside.”

That didn’t sound like too bad of an idea. I slid my bottom lip into my mouth and pressed my teeth against it.

Maverick stepped forward, shutting and locking the door behind him, he lifted me onto the counter. “You like what you see?” he asked softly.

I smiled. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“I think I already do,” he said, sliding his bent index finger down the center of my throat.

My phone buzzed again when Maverick maneuvered his way between my parted thighs. “You need to get that?” he whispered against my ear.

I shivered. “No, I know who it is.”