Page 36 of Bully Roommate

Josie’s mouth opened in shock. “I have the stuff to make chicken spaghetti but—,”

“Come, get comfortable. A woman should cook for her partner.”

“Paige,” Dad said in a warning. “They just met—,”

She silenced him with a look. “Come on inside. I’m sure you can find something on TV to watch with the ... lovely couple.”

King’s gaze traveled over to Jordan and then to myself. The confusion didn’t last long when a smile crawled up his jaw. Jordan cleared his throat from across the room. “Can y’all make some green tea? That stuff is bomb. Isn’t that right, babe?”

I’m going to prison tonight.

The awkward silence hung heavy in our living room as Josie’s Dad got to know King. I felt my stomach twist into an angry knot, and the only cure ended in beating King to a pulp. My anger didn’t go unnoticed by Jordan who gave me ado something about itlook.

Josie’s mother dominated the conversation once we sat down to eat. I felt my temperature rise with every comment King made toward Josie or her mother. That should be me getting to know them, even though it sounded irrational, I wanted it to be me.

There wasn’t enough room at the dining room table for Jordan or me to sit together and since he insisted on sitting by his ‘boo’ we sat in the living room.

“Dude, King is kissing some major ass in there,” Jordan whispered.

Is that what he called it?

My phone buzzed from an angry Frankie.Can I come up yet? I’m starving.

Me:They are almost finished.

Frankie sent a gif of someone flipping me off.

I shoved my phone back into my jeans pocket, shoveling in another bite of food. If the food wasn’t good, I’d be even more pissed than I was now.

“Well,” Josie’s Dad said. “I have to work tomorrow, Paige, we better get going. It was nice meeting you, King.”

“Nice to meet you too, Sir.”

Josie’s Mom and Dad said their goodbyes, giving us awkward waves on the way out the door. I let out a frustrated sigh when I heard the elevator ding.

Jordan laughed. “That was fun. Josie, your mom is like a freaking drill sergeant. No wonder you didn’t date in high school.”

Josie’s dark gaze drifted to mine. Her mother wasn’t the reason, and we both knew it. King chuckled, placing his palm against the side of Josie’s hip. “I didn’t realize you liked dudes, Booker?”

Jordan laughed. “He only likes mine, back off, King—,”

“Don’t ever say that again.”

He chuckled, walking over toward the couch to turn on the X-Box. “We all know Maverick loves girls, especially one in specific.”

“Your Mom?” I asked aggravated.

King’s gaze narrowed in on me as if he knew the someone Jordan talked about. Without losing eye contact, King asked Josie, “Want to go get some ice cream?”

She shrugged. “Sure, let’s go. I’ll get my purse.” She disappeared into her bedroom, leaving us alone.

King popped his fingers. “You know you have no chance with her, right?”

Jordan gave him a look. “Dude, what are we, twelve? Just drop it—,”

“You don’t know what she likes,dude,” I said without thinking. “You think this good boy act is gonna keep her, and,” I couldn’t help but smile, “it won’t.”

Jordan looked between the two of us, worriedly. “Don’t start a fight in here, if you break it you buy it.”