Page 30 of Bully Roommate

She looked at me in bewilderment. “Move.”


Josie shoved my chest to no avail, and I caught her wrists, bringing her even closer, our mouths a hairbreadth away from each other. “This is so messed up,” she whispered, closing her eyes. “This is stupid and wrong, I’m supposed to hate you.”

“And you don’t?” I asked.

Josie made eye contact with me. The setting sun cast a glow over us, the Louisiana heat formed sweat against my neck, but I didn’t care. “I do,” she whispered. “So much, that’s why I hate myself for letting you touch me, and kiss me—,”

“Why don’t you stop me then,” I said. “I don’t force myself on you. You can push me off, or slap the shit out of me but you don’t.You like it.”

Josie turned her gaze away from mine.

“As badly as I want to destroy that canvas,” I whispered, trailing my thumb against the center of her bottom lip. “I won’t. I deserve it. If you want to hit me, or …” I almost smiled, “let me make you feel good, I’ll be here for it.”

Josie’s heavy-lidded eyes looked ridden with lust. Slowly, never looking away, I bit her bottom lip, my body hummed when she moaned. “You want me to make you feel good,huh?”

A low whimper left her mouth as I skimmed my lips down her throat, biting and sucking her flesh. She dropped the canvas, her fingers finding my t-shirt as she tugged.

“I don’t,” she lied.

I chuckled, one hand reached around and palmed the curve of her bottom and dragged her closer to me. “What do I have to do for you to let me lay you on my bed, hmm?”

Josie’s body tensed. “I’m not going into your bedroom with you, Maverick.” I squeezed her into my palm and sucked her flesh into my mouth. “Yeah? If you think I’m going to let King touch you here,” I said, moving my hand down to rub her sweet spot through her jeans, “You’ve got another thing coming. He won’t. I will. Now you can let me, or I can slowly make you beg for it.”

Josie swallowed deeply, but a small smirk formed on her lips. “I don’t know why you think you’re so much better than him. Your kiss wasn’t that great anyway—,”

I ground my teeth, and grasped the nape of her neck, forcing her to look at me. “You think I believe that?”

Josie smoothed her hands down my t-shirt and shrugged. “Believe what you want, Maverick. Those girls at Zachary pumped your head up so far that you think you can outdo any guy. LSU is huge, I doubt that you’re better than all of the male population.”

I chuckled, feeling outraged at the thought of any guy touching Josie Lee but me. Before I could bend down and show her what I thought about it, she shoved me hard, unexpectedly, grabbed her canvas, and walked out of the alleyway.

She stopped once she made it out in the open and grinned at me. “I guess you’ll have to prove me wrong, until then,” she said, waving her canvas around, “This is all you’ll ever be to me.”

Her hips swung as she left me breathing hard in the alcove. I didn’t understand half of my emotions, or feelings, but I knew one thing. Josie Lee wasn’t the same girl she’d been three months before in high school.

And I wanted her more than ever now.

Chapter Eleven


I won. It felt hard to believe I’d won against experienced students. The card Professor Mark Duke gave me sat heavily in my pocket. When he asked my major, and I replied with undecided, he smirked, saying, “I think you’ve decided.”

I bit my lip on the way to my Honda, feeling an overwhelming sense of pride. Not only for winning but also for standing up to Maverick. Even when his breath hit my mouth and the thought of a talented set of lips driving me up the wall lingered, I didn’t let it.

Too many questions remained for me to give into him. Besides the obvious, why did you torment me for four years, why would Frankie turn out so much different from you, and why do my feelings not matter when it comes to treating girls with respect?

Maverick wouldn’t tell me, but Frankie would, if he knew, which I wasn’t sure if he knew or not, but he could help me figure it out.

I sank into the driver’s seat of my car, putting my canvas in the passenger seat carefully. My hands shook with excitement. My fingers halted over calling my parents because it was an accomplishment, but I knew Mom wouldn’t approve.

Sighing, I pushed my hair from my sweaty forehead and started toward the apartment. Jordan’s pickup sat in the parking lot when I rolled in and climbed the stairs.

“What up, Jose,” he said from the couch.

“Not much,” I said, trying to beeline for my room but he stopped me.