Page 7 of Bully Roommate

I wanted to run for the hills, back to my car, and park in a different parking lot this time. I hadn’t thought he'd show up at the butt crack of dawn. I dried my hair, being sure to pick up any stray hairs or leave behind a water trail with my toothbrush.

The red summer dress I picked out for the first day fit me well and I’d been proud to buy it out of my summer job money at the small burger joint back home.

Which reminded me I needed to find an on-campus job quickly before the good ones were taken. My curiosity grew when I walked out and toward the spare bedroom that would be mine.

It was smaller than the other two that I’d peeked into, but I didn’t dare go inside. It had a nice walk-in closet and was positioned between the bathroom and Maverick's room.

There was a lock, which didn’t look too difficult to break into, but knowing we’d have to pay a deposit for any damages made me think Maverick wouldn’t try anything.

I bit my bottom lip and placed my bag on the bed, which came furnished since it was a college apartment. All my sheets and the small amount of décor sat in the truck of my Honda downstairs. I wanted—needed—this room, but all my memories of high school surfaced. There had to be someone else looking for a roommate somewhere.

Blowing my bangs with a heavy breath, I took out my clothes and hung them in the closet. Maverick’s dare swirled around for me to play with. He’d saidto prove itas if I was a coward for not living here.

A coward!

I knew Maverick wouldn't stay here if the shoe was on the other foot. My phone beeped as seven-fifteen neared. I slipped into my white Keds, leaving my things on the bed because I could stay there until I found something else.

I grabbed a coffee at the same restaurant I’d met Jordan and drove toward campus. The atmosphere felt relaxed, so much different from high school, and made me feel at home. These kids came willingly—most of them—and it made me smile knowing they wanted to learn.

I’d memorized the buildings before school started, giving me a good shot at not getting lost. My first class was Chapman’s College Algebra, which wasn’t my best subject but I had to take it.

The classroom was bare when I took a seat at the front of the room and unloaded my things. I pretended to study my schedule while the other students made their way inside, giving a few of them glances over my shoulder as they approached.

A guy wearing a jersey sat beside me, still drenched in sweat from practice looked over at me. He had one notebook, his class book, and a pencil. His Nike hat rested backward on his light head of hair.

“What up,” he said.


He chuckled, leaning back; he glanced at my dress and smirked. “Cute dress.”

Warmth climbed up my neck and rested against my cheeks. “Thanks.”

The class filled quickly as whom I assumed was Mrs. Chapman walked in, a short woman with a big smile and a quick step. “Good morning, students. You’re in College Algebra with Mrs. Chapman. If you’re in the wrong class, leave now.”

When no one got up, she nodded and turned toward her podium. “I’m passing out a syllabus. We’ll go through it and be done for today. Tonight, I want you to complete the worksheet I have attached to the back.”

She dismissed us shortly after we finished talking through our syllabus.

“So,” the guy next to me said. “Where you headed to? I’m Keith, but everyone calls me King.”

I tucked my hair and eyed the door. “I'm Josie, and I’m heading to grab a smoothie.”

He tucked his pencil behind his ear. “Want some company?”

I shrugged.Did I? Not really.I’d never been the social butterfly in high school, but this wasn’t high school, it was college.Here's to turning a new leaf.


We walked out of the building and across campus toward the restaurant. “You live on campus?” he asked.

“No, I have an apartment. What about you?”

“I live in Azalea Hall. My parents wanted me to live on campus my first year.”

“That’s understandable. Where are you from?”

“Arkansas,” he said. “I wanted to get out of state.” I couldn’t blame him. “Hey,” he said stopping me. “I’m headed the other way. I wanted to see if you were coming to the Fraternity Life Party this weekend?”