Page 44 of Bully Roommate

“We’re not—,”

“What’s it to you?” I asked. “Why are you even here?”

Jordan walked into the living room with a piece of pizza hanging out of his mouth. “Hey, chill out, she can come over whenever she wants.”

I swallowed the urge to cuss him out. How stupid could he be? On the other hand, all Jordan saw was a pair of legs to slide between. He didn’t know Waverly—neither did I—but I knew enough to know a snake when I saw one.

“I didn’t mean to upset you,” she said sweetly.

Josie squeezed my hand and pulled me toward the kitchen table. I knew Waverly had alternative motives, sure, but why hadn’t she already just told King about it? It wouldn’t hurt my feelings to see King upset and know Josie belonged with me.

Waverly walked past us and sat in Jordan’s lap, whispering into his ear and giggling. I clutched my fingers into a fist, grabbed an entire box, and stood up. “Come with me, Josie.”

She looked up from her half-eaten pizza but followed me to my room. When I shut the door, she gave me a look. “What’s that about?”

I put the box down and gestured for her to sit across from me. I sighed. “She’s using Jordan.”

Josie smirked. “Yeah, she seemed pretty into you at the art thingy. You think she’s trying to make you jealous?”

“Yes,” I snagged a piece. “But I’m worried that she’ll tell King, or … I don’t know.”

Josie silently finished her slice of pizza. “Would it be so bad if she did tell King?”

I watched her dark eyes examine a second slice before meeting my gaze. “You tell me,” I said.

She shrugged. “I told you before that—I like him but he doesn’t compare.”

Leaning back onto my elbows, I glared at her. “So, you’re admitting I was right?”

She narrowed her eyes at me. “More or less.” I chuckled. “But that doesn’t mean I know what’s going on between us. I—I’m confused, to be honest. I don’t know what to think about this.”

Truth be told, I didn’t either. “I’m not alabel thiskind of guy, Josie. You should know that.”

Josie watched me finish off a slice. “Well, I’m alabel thiskind of girl, Maverick. I can’t do whatever this is and not know that you’re not going and sleeping with tons of girls and—,”

I sat up straight. “Just because I don’t know what to call us doesn’t mean I’d go sleeping around with every girl on campus. Have you seen me with a girl since you moved in? You’re the one going out with King.”

Josie’s cheeks turned red. “That’s because I thought you hated me. You can’t say we were friends before this. This just happened.”

“You’re right,” I said. “And I want this to continue, and I want you to trust me.”

Josie swallowed. “What happened?” she whispered. “What changed your mind—better yet, what did I do in the first place?”

I wanted to tell her the truth. I wanted to tell her what happened because I knew she didn’t know—or remember—but the images that surfaced strangled my throat.

Blood. Fear. Sadness. Stars. Noises.

Before I could stop myself, I’d doubled over, my head between my thighs, trying desperately to catch my breath.

Josie’s small hands grabbed my biceps and she lifted them above my head, squatted down in front of me, and mimicked a calm breathing technique. “Breathe, Maverick.”

I tried, but my lungs turned to fire.

“Breathe,” she said again.

Slowly the air in the room filled my lungs. Josie sat back on her shins and glared at me. “You need to see someone.”

I scoffed, shoving the sweat that’d gathered at my hairline away. “I don’t need help—,”