Page 24 of Bully Roommate

When he finished, he thanked me, signed out, and left me in an empty writing center. India groaned while she leaned back and stretched in her corner of the room. She’d dyed her hair pink this week, but it suited her.

Her pore-less, coffee-colored skin worked with anything it seemed like.

“Good job today, Lee. You’re a natural.”

“Thank you. It feels good.” I glanced at the clock. “I guess it’s time for me to go.” I grabbed my bag from the floor.

India stood up when a guy walked into the room. “You have lunch plans?” she asked.

“No, I was just gonna grab something somewhere.”

“Matt is taking my spot, want to grab some with me? I’m gonna go to City Pork, they have a killer pulled pork sandwich.” She stopped. “You eat meat, right?”

I chuckled and slung my backpack over my shoulder. “Oh yeah. No vegetarian here.”

“Cool. Let’s go.”

We walked toward the restaurant, ordered, and took a seat by the windows. India unwrapped her burger and took a big unladylike bite. I followed behind her. “This is good,” I said.

“Told you. I’ve been here for three years, and I come here at least once a week. So, how do you like it so far? You live on campus?”

“No, I have an off-campus apartment right now, but I’m looking for a new one.”

She tossed her pickles to the side. “Oh yeah? How come? You know it’s impossible to find a place to stay once the semester has started, you may be stuck there for a bit.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.”

India lifted her pierced brow. “Does she steal your food? Or messy?”

I chuckled. “Neither,sheis twohe’s, one is okay, and the other—we have history.”

“Why did you room with him?”

“Long story, my roommate backed out at the last minute and they were the only people I could find that were looking.”

I frowned at how downhill this had gone since I moved in. I’d thrown tea at his head, kissed the hades out of him, and the worst part was that I wanted it. Needed it. I’d thought about how his kiss compared to King's the entire night—it didn’t compare.

Maverick was rough, handsy, and took what he wanted.

King was sweet. Something I knew I needed, and yet, there I was debating touching myself well into the midnight hours, thinking about the douchebag that bullied me for four years.

“That sucks,” she said.


India and I glanced over at King passing by the restaurant. “Hey, King.”

He pulled a chair over from another table, turned it around backward, and sat down.

“India, this is King. King, India.”

They shook hands. “I work with India in the writing center.”

“Oh yeah,” he said. “Today was your first day, right? How’d it go?”

“Good,” I said, tucking my hair. “Really good. Are you hungry?”

“Nah,” he said, jabbing his finger over his shoulder. “My friend is waiting on me, I just wanted to come over and say hey, maybe we can catch a movie later this week?”