“It’s just…a funny thing to make Your Thing. But whatever, man. I’m in no place to judge. I just begged for it in my place of business. And got it, I might add.” She lifted her shoulder and wiggled out of his hold, standing up and wobbling a bit. “Whoa.”
“You don’t have to get off me.”
“I’m on the clock. I kinda do.”
“I think the boss would understand.”
“The boss is showing questionable judgment today,” she said, picking her clothing off the floor and wiggling back into it.
“Do you regret it?”
She frowned. “No.”
She should regret it. She should feel utterly weirded out, but she didn’t. She felt…fine. With all of it. And that made her feel a little giddy. And like maybe the app she was making was magic. Because somehow, all of the things in it had helped make her brave enough to do things she’d barely let herself fantasize about.
“But I do have work to do,” she said. “That’s what you do when you have a job.”
“Ah,” he said, standing up and tucking himself back into his pants.
She almost couldn’t handle watching him redo his belt. Just looking at it made her a little shaky, in the best way.
“You’ll get the hang of this work business.”
“I guess I’ll have to.”
“Yeah, you have to oversee me.”
His expression turned to granite. Very sexy granite. “I guess I do.”
“I assume I’ll be going to your house tonight after work,” she said.
“Do you?”
“Well, yes. I can’t only fuck you during business hours. And I do intend to fuck you again.”
“That’s charming.”
“Well, I thought so,” she said.
“Sure. How long do you want to go on with the…banging?” he asked.
“Until I’ve fulfilled my contract,” she said. “How does that strike you?”
He smiled and walked toward her, extending his hand. She put hers out, and he shook it. “You have yourself a deal.”
Chapter Seven
Evie hadn’t arrived yet, and Caleb found himself feeling…nervous?Surely not that. He didn’t get nervous about whether or not a woman would show up for a date. For sex. It wasn’t even a date. He didn’t do dates.
Hookups. He did hookups. And he didn’t feel even a little bit bad about it. Life was short—you had to live it while you could.
Usually, he chose to live it with a different woman every night. But Evie was…available. Because he’d…gotten himself hired on at his father’s company so he could get a position in her office building.
Whatever. She was around. And she was coming over.
And if she wasn’t it didn’t matter, because he could get a woman whenever he needed one. He thought of earlier, in her office when he’d been surrounded by her accomplishments and sinking into the kind of grief swamp he liked to avoid these days, and how she’d given him an out with her comment about him being there for…the nooky.
It had given him permission to get back into character. Or, caricature more like.