Page 25 of Crazy Stupid Sex

Sex and grief and money. Those were the things he’d thought made him the more experienced party.

Evie clearly had experience of her own. What might not translate in a sketchy bar clearly worked just fine here.

So now he was sat at one of the tiny desks with his computer open feeling like the imposter he was.

That was a new one to add to the list. Along with:fucked a woman, can’t get her out of my mind.

She’d managed him. Like a child.

“What exactly are you…doing?”

He looked over and saw a group of guys in skinny jeans and hoodies looking at him. “I’m the envoy from Flirt. I’m overseeing the magazine app project.”

He spoke with enough authority that they should have believed him. It was clear based on the looks they exchanged that they didn’t. Clear they didn’t think it was credible that he was overseeing anything of Evie’s.

“Are you interns?” Caleb asked.

They looked young enough to be interns. They looked young enough to make him feel old.

“Yeah,” said one of them.

“Do you…make coffee?”

The guy who’d already spoken, with dark scruffy hair and a beard, shrugged. “No, we’re making a new game app. With unicorns.”

“Sounds cool,” Caleb said, his tone dry.

“We weaponized the horn,” said the shortest guy, shifting in his bright red sneakers.

Well. That changed everything.

“I want to play,” Caleb said.

The first guy shrugged. “Sure.”

Chapter Six

Evie was sitting at her desk getting increasingly antsy. She was trying to figure out some fun, interactive things to add to the different lists in the app so it wasn’t just sedentary text. But she’d gotten to the sex tips portion and her brain was starting to short circuit. As was her body.

She blamed stupid Caleb Anderson. Stupid Caleb Anderson and his lack of Whovian knowledge. Stupid Caleb Anderson who had invaded her space, her office, her domain. Stupid Caleb Anderson who was supposed to stay a one-night stand, and who had not.

One night of reckless abandon didn’t work when it followed you back into real life. Then it became a consequence. Dammit, she didn’t want a consequence. She just wanted a brilliant sexual experience, exquisite oral sex and absolutely no reckoning for her pleasure. Was that so much to ask?

She skimmed down the list. Her entire body heating with every item read. Because she was picturing doing it all with Caleb.

Number five: when you’re going down on your man, make sure to use your hands. Cup his testicles—

Oh, cheese and rice.

She skipped ahead. She could imagine what happened next without reading it.

Number six: surprise him at work. Nothing breaks up a mundane day at the desk job like having sex on the desk!

She choked.


Number seven: don’t be afraid to get a little kinky.She shifted in her chair.A little pain can be fun. Hair pulling—yeah, she knew that—and spanking add a little spice to the bedroom. A light swat from your man’s hand, or some more intense action with a belt, can really get things going.