Page 28 of Crazy Stupid Sex

She blinked. “Yes.”

His focus went back down to the phone. “It’s really good. You could transfer this skill.”

“To what?”

“Drawing me dirty cartoons.”

“It’s tempting. Especially considering that your general affluence likely means you could set me up for early retirement if I did something dirty enough.”

He continued messing around with the phone screen. “But you were inForbes.I heard, somewhere, that you were kind of a big deal.”

“From me. You heard it from me, and the sadness of that is completely noted, just saying.”

“Okay, I’ll be honest with you. It’s going to be hard to do classed-up graphics for this.”

“So what do I do?”

“You’re over thinking. It’s not a game, right? It’s imparting information.”

“Sure. But I just think some Easter eggs would be fun.”

“I think the content is the star.”

“Well, you’re a guy.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? That for women this stuff isn’t interesting? I call bullshit, Evie. I know it’s interesting to you.”

Evie shifted in her seat and looked very determinedly at the computer screen. “Sure. I mean, obviously I’m a sexual being.”

“I like that. It sounds very elevated. And above common, sweaty, base desires like the rest of us have. Though, I know you aren’t opposed to getting a little sweaty.”

“Inappropriate workplace conversation.”

“Sorry. The lines are blurring since we’ve already discussed the merits of animated penis licking.”

Evie arched a brow and bit her lip, trying to keep from giggling like an adolescent. “That’s business.”

“I never planned on keeping things strictly business with you. Remember? I’m utterly without shame. My sole purpose of coming here was to try and lure you back into my bed. That, in a sense, is my business.”

The statement, like so many that Caleb made, should have pissed her off, and yet it just made her feel warm. And languorous. Like melted honey was spreading from her stomach out to all of her limbs.

“Yes, well, you should have consulted me on your plans.”

“The thing is, Evie, my plans sort of went ahead without even consulting me.”

“What does that mean?”

“I want you,” he said, so simple, like it was obvious. Easy to admit.

She swallowed hard. “So you said. But I don’t get…”

“I’m not the kind of guy who thinks about a woman after we have sex. I don’t really mean it that way, I do think about women after. I have nice memories of hot times. But I don’t…ache for them. I don’t feel like I need them again. And you…I couldn’t sleep Saturday night. I kept thinking about how you felt. About how good it was. I burned for you and that…doesn’t happen. And so I figured I would put myself in your path again and you would say yes because…because…”

“Women say yes to you.”

“Yeah,” he said, his lip curling up slightly. “I am a bag of dicks.”

“I don’t know if I’d go that far. You’re…entitled. But that, I guess, is what comes from having an easy life.”