Brent shot a look over his shoulder. “They were doing great until half-time and now they’re dropping the ball.”


Brent gave him a flat look, not appreciating Luke’s statement. “Is dinner ready?”

“No clue.” Luke settled beside his brother. “But I wanted to tell you something.” His brother grunted. “It’s about Allie.” Another grunt while Brent kept his gaze trained on the screen. “We’re dating now.”

This time his brother glanced at him. “I know.”

“You… do?”

“Yeah, Quinne told Jackie.”

Luke settled back on the couch with a huff. “Quinne?”

Brent shot out of his seat again with an angry shout then settled back on the couch. He glanced over toward Luke. “I think her daughter is in Allie’s class at school. I don’t know. Either way most of the town knows.”

“Pippa didn’t.”

Brent froze then turned to face his brother fully. “I can guarantee she knew. She’s just humoring you.”

Luke snorted, but the more he thought about it, the more what his brother said made sense.

“Dinner!” Pippa’s voice called. “Get it while it’s hot!”

He got to his feet and took a few steps before realizing his brother was still glued to the screen. “You better shut that off before Jackie comes in here and hides the remote like last year.”

Brent all but dragged his feet, then a smile split his face and he threw a fist in the air. “Yeah! That’s what I’m talking about!” He grabbed the remote and turned off the television. He draped an arm around Luke’s shoulders and chuckled. “Congrats, by the way. It’s been a long time coming. We all thought you should have snagged her a long time ago.”

“I’m beginning to realize that,” Luke murmured.

Dinner went off without a hitch. Molly demanded to sit between Luke and Allie. Every so often he’d catch Allie glancing toward him and smiling. This is what it would have felt like for his family to be whole.

That thought alone made his stomach knot, but he pushed aside the sour feelings and focused on the moment. Laughter, good food, and family. That was what this time of year was all about. And he couldn’t wait to spend all of it with Allie by his side.

After dinner, they played a few card games at the table. No one batted an eye when he grabbed Allie’s hand and held it. Even Molly noticed but her only reaction was a smile.

Tonight was perfection. His doubts were easily brushed aside and he could look forward to his future.

When it got late, Luke walked Allie to her car. She leaned against it and pulled him closer to her. He rested his hand against the window at her shoulder. “Thank you for coming,” he murmured. “I can honestly say that has been one of the best Thanksgivings I’ve had in years.”

“Me, too,” she whispered. “It was almost too easy.”

“But that’s the way it should be. No more needing to complicate things, right?” He wasn’t sure but he thought he’d seen a flicker of something in her eyes. Unfortunately, it was dark and it could have just been the reflection of the night sky in her eyes. He hooked his finger beneath her chin and tilted it upward.

Luke brushed a whisper of a kiss across her lips, then another along her jawline. “I love you, Allie.”

“I love you, too,” she crooned.

The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. Saying those simple words seemed to solidify everything about their relationship. This was real, now. They were on a new path—a path to happiness. Luke pulled back, grazing her jaw with his knuckle. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the market.”

She nodded. “Goodnight.”


He backed away, watching her get into her car and then disappear into the darkness. Taking a deep breath, he let it out in a huff but it didn’t settle his stomach. He trudged up the steps toward the house. Once inside, he moved past the living room where Brent was watching highlights of tonight’s game. Jackie was in the kitchen, washing and putting dishes away. The kids were all settled or getting settled into one room for the traditional sleepover.

The door to that room was cracked and quiet voices stopped him short.