Mid September

Organ music floated through the air, following Allie from the church building behind her. She hugged her bible to her chest, always in awe of how a simple sermon could do so much to soothe her soul even though it happened every week like clockwork.

Two children hustled from the building, bumping into her as they darted down the chapel steps. She jumped to the side and collided with someone else.

Laughing, Allie turned toward the poor unfortunate soul who had been just as affected by the troublesome children, only to suck in sharply. A pair of dark eyes hovered over a crooked smile—one that she could have traced with her eyes closed.

“Good morning, Miss Patrick,” a small voice chirped, dragging Allie’s gaze lower. Molly had her mother’s blue eyes and blonde hair, a sad reminder of someone who left this world all too soon.

Allie’s smile returned and she waved. “Good morning, Molly. How did you like the sermon?” She was painfully aware of Luke’s eyes watching her—she was always aware.

Molly hopped up on her toes and chattered on about how she thought Noah should have left certain animals behind. “I don’t think there’s any use for mosquitos anyway,” she concluded.

Luke chuckled, his warm, honey timbre always sending a shiver down Allie’s spine. “Then what would the spiders eat?”

His daughter rolled her eyes. “There are other bugs,too, Dad.”

“Yeah,Dad, there are other bugs. Sheesh.” Allie mimicked, then winked at Molly who grinned back. She locked eyes with Luke and her heart almost stopped. It was as if time stood still whenever she was around him. But then Luke glanced down at his daughter, breaking the spell.

“Well, if anyone would know about the ecosystem, it’d be your new fourth-grade teacher.” Luke returned his focus to Allie and slugged her playfully in the arm. “It’s what you get paid the big bucks for, right?”

Allie rubbed her arm absently. Luke would never look at her as anything more than his sister’s friend. She smiled feebly and nodded. “That’s right.” It didn’t matter how often she made goo-goo eyes at the man, she’d always be overlooked. That was just how it was.

She could feel the blush crawling up her neck and se knew there was no way she could stop it. Shoot, why did this always have to happen? She’d go and flirt like a lunatic and then get put in her place and the embarrassment would smother her.

What was she thinking? She was Luke’s kid’s teacher. Even if she had a chance at winning his affection, he wouldn’t do anything about it.

Allie looked away, hoping an autumn breeze would cool her heated skin. It didn’t get all that cold in Sweet Blooms, Texas, but being late September, she might just get lucky. She closed her eyes and a breeze did in fact tug at her hair, but it wasn’t cool at all.

“How’s everyone settling in for school,Miss Patrick?” Luke’s voice whipped her from her thoughts and her blush deepened.

She glanced toward Luke again and hugged her book a little tighter to her chest. “Oh, you know it’s the beginning of the school year. What can you expect? Everyone’s rowdy and wishing summer break was still going. Sound familiar?”

Luke nodded, his grin still plastered to his face. He tugged at his tie, loosening it from where it was around his neck. “Yeah, sounds about right. But I hope this one isn’t giving you any trouble.” He shot a knowing look toward his daughter. “Molly should know better by now.”

Molly’s wide eyes met Allie’s, prompting another small laugh from Allie. “Molly is a sweetheart. And everyone is trying to find their place anyway. I’m sure it will all settle down in no time.”

No matter how much time had passed, Allie couldn’t seem to get over this man who seemed to be just as perfect as ever. He had everything figured out despite being a single dad and running his own business. The fact that he hadn’t gotten remarried only meant one thing; even after nine years, he was still in love with his late wife.

Allie’s stomach twisted. Shellie had been just as perfect and when she married Luke, they’d been theitcouple. And it was all thanks to Allie and her big mouth.

She should have never let Luke meet her roommate. That was when Allie’s life had turned sideways and she knew she’d never get the man of her dreams.

“Allie, you okay?”

She stiffened. Why couldn’t she stop daydreaming when she was around him? There had to be something wrong with her. Allie’s nervous laugh sounded more like a pig in distress than anything else. She shifted, taking a step back from Luke for no other reason than an attempt to keep her wits about her. “I’m sorry. Just thinking about what I have going this week.”

“For school? What are we learning this week?” Molly’s excitement for education never ceased to amaze Allie and her question brought a smile to Allie’s face.

“Well, we’re going to dive into multiplication and cursive for the next several weeks. How does that sound?”

“Cursive? Like signing stuff?” Molly beamed. “I’ve been practicing at home.”

“She has,” Luke muttered, “on everything but the notebook I bought her.”

Molly crossed her arms. “That notebook is too pretty to practice in. I need to get really good before I use it.”