I smiled, but didn’t answer. I’d been lonely growing up, but nine siblings was intimidating.
Suddenly, Kati’s hand was in mine, her eyes on the high neckline that covered my mate mark. “You know, we’re family now. No matter what, Candy. And I think you’ll be perfect for Nicky. Just… don’t give up on him yet, okay? He’s a little stuck in his ways.”
I swallowed hard, not quite sure what to say. “I didn’t mean what I said… what you probably heard.”
“Even if you did, it’s okay. Just give him time to change your mind.” When I nodded, she gasped. “Oh! I almost forgot. Nicky sent you this.” She ran to a long countertop and brought back a sleek, white box. “New phone, new number, but if I’m not mistaken, Nicky’s PA will have fixed it so your contacts are all there …”
I grinned, opening the phone. I was a pretty typical omega when it came to loving gifts, and this phone was the top of the line. He’d even sent me a rhinestone-studded phone case in red and white stripes, to match my name.
“Cute!” I powered it on while the others went back to breakfast.
“Has anyone heard from Nicky today?” Penny asked from the other end of the table. “I thought he was supposed to be here by now.”
Suddenly, the room went quiet, all eyes on me. My new phone vibrated in my hand, and I stared down at it, trying not to freak out at the dozens of messages that were appearing. Most were from Rain, Soleil, and my parents, but a bunch were from Pax. I ignored the super long thread of voice messages, and read his last text.
It was simple and disappointing.
“He thought he could make it by today,” I said, trying for chipper, but that terse, apologetic message was just making me want to cry, or kill someone, or both. “The board meeting ran until the wee hours… and he had to do something important this morning. He’ll still be here tonight, but around midnight.”
“What could possibly keep him away?” Teddy demanded.
I shrugged. “He didn’t say. Maybe he’s going to surprise us somehow?”
Penny mumbled, “He already surprised me by being a douche. I’m gonna kick his butt.”
“I’ll text him again and see if he has a better ETA.” I tapped out a quick note. “I’m sure he’ll get back to me soon,” I murmured, pressing a hand to my abdomen. Suddenly, the few bites of food I’d eaten felt like lead in my gut.
No one spoke for a long moment, then the room exploded into sounds and motion. “Well, midnight will be here before you know it. I think it’s time to start the New Year’s decorations,” Kati announced. Everyone else moaned, and the triplets and Penny ran for the door. “Get back here!”
Teddy and Luke were already backing away. “We have to make sure the snowplow is scheduled… and bring in wood… and things,” Luke said, panic in his eyes.Sorry, he mouthed silently as he and Teddy both went for the door at the same time.
I had no idea what had just happened, but a few hours later, I was contemplating faking my own death. Though Kati might actually kill me first.
We were moving pictures around in the main hallways, making space for a new one that was coming in a few days, when I finally hit my limit.I’d done Crossfit at my local gym a few times, but nothing had prepared me for hours of redecorating. We’d shifted furniture, changed sofa cushions around, placed bowls of cinnamon-scented pinecones here and there—which almost triggered my cinnamon challenge PTSD—and then she’d decide to tackle “the real work.” So I’d switched to climbing ladders, holding up framed pictures, moving them one centimeter to the left, then back to the right, then up, then down.
“Kati. I can’t feel my fingers. I’m going to pass out.”
“That’s perfect.” I peered down to see Kati was now slumped on the sofa, clearly exhausted. “We have to… take a break.” She had her eyes closed. “Too tired to keep on…” In a second, she was snoring, and I crept down the ladder.
Masculine laughter sounded from the doorway. For a moment, my heart leaped, thinking it was Pax. But when I whirled to face him— “Oh. Hi, Luke.”
“I can’t believe you outlasted Captain Kati,” Luke said with a low whistle. “Would you like a drink? Or to freshen up before lunch? Have you heard from Nicky yet today?”
I forced a smile in return. “I have dozens of texts and voice messages, but haven’t had time to go through them.”
“Maybe you could take a moment now?” Luke’s eyes were pleading. “I’m not saying you should forgive him. But maybe there’s something in there that might help you feel better?”
He could tell how bad I felt? I didn’t trust my voice, just nodded, and curled up in a nearby armchair to read.
It did make me feel better, at least a little. Pax had shared all sorts of funny memes, which actually had me laughing, and stories about his family’s skiing trips from previous years. He’d also shared a lot of what was happening at work, which made me feel both better and worse. I knew how deeply affected he’d been by his mother’s death, and I knew he’d turned his life into a quest to keep other omegas from dying like she had.
But why wouldn’t he have told me at the beginning what was going on? I would have understood the importance of it. Had he thought I wouldn’t care? Or maybe that I wasn’t interested?
I lowered my phone, stunned. I’d asked what was going on, but I hadn’t pressed. Maybe I had been part of the problem, not showing enough interest. I hadn’t wanted to intrude on his home office when he’d told me he was working. My own insecurities had made me feel like I would be bothering him. Ofcoursehe hadn’t asked me to listen to his worries and fears. He’d never had a mate around who cared.
From what I could tell, he didn’t have anyone to talk to, besides his siblings. I scrolled to the last few texts, my heart lighter, just as Luke wandered back into the room with hot chocolates. “He said there’s weather issues at the airport, and it’s delaying him. And that he’s bringing a surprise, though he hasn’t told me what it is. I think he feels guilty.”
Or had felt that way. His texts had ended abruptly the night before.