And so was Pax. “Now?” he grunted. “I don’t know if I can wait…”
“Then don’t.” I pulled away from him, lifting myself just high enough. I could feel his climax beginning to move through him, and I knew this was my moment. I was slippery with my own release and his pre-cum, and when I let myself down again, my weight and the momentum had his knot sliding inside me before he could react.
His eyes flew wide, as his knot instantly swelled and locked into place. “Brat!” he managed to say before he let out a shout of pleasure and his warmth filled me.
“Your brat,” I panted as I ground down on him, feeling one more orgasm at the edge, then letting it cascade over me in a series of waves.
I’d had a few cramps since then, and the baby had been squirming around. But no real labor pains, just the regular Braxton-Hicks contractions. I set down the nipple clamps and turned, spying a rack I hadn’t seen from the front of the shop. It was a Goldilocks set, with a Daddy Bear, Mommy Bear, and Baby Bear costume that came with a tiny Goldilocks doll.
It was perfect. I pulled the Mommy Bear ears on and turned to find Lin. “Look,” I called, when I suddenly felt a gush of liquid on my inner thigh.
And then heard it splash on the floor.
“Lindyann?” I squeaked. “I think it’s time!”
In seconds, my sister-in-law had the costumes in her hands, Mickey had me on his arm heading for the car, and I had Pax on the phone.
“Meet me at the hospital, Daddy Bear,” I panted out, as a small contraction rippled through me. “We’re going to have a baby.”
“We’re going to have a baby.” I repeated the words to my laboring wife, as if this was news to her, and held an ice chip on a spoon up to her mouth. I felt helpless, idiotic, like I was spitting on the flames of Hell to make a dent in her pain.
Why had I not insisted we live in the hospital for the last few weeks? If she’d already been here, in our family’s suite, she would have been able to get the epidural in time, before she was too far dilated. Watching her suffer was the worst agony I had ever endured.I would give anything to help her. But all I was allowed to do was feed her ice, and soothe her.
“Candy, princess, we’re going to have a baby.”
Candy took a break from her breathing pattern to shoot me the dirtiest look I’d ever received. “Who’s…we… asshole?” she managed to say, then screamed.
The nurse who was examining Candy’s dilation perked her head up. “Looks like it’s time to bring in Dr. Grantham.” She paused. “Again.” Now she gave me a dirty look. “Do you remember what you promised?”
“No growling at the doctor.”
“And?” she prompted.
“No threatening to sue the hospital.”
“Or ruin her financially, for making my princess suffer.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back. Don’t push just yet, Mrs. Paxson.” The nurse pulled the edge of Candy’s gown back down, then left the room.
Left the room? Fuck!I lunged for the door, but Candy’s whimpers had me back at her side. “Sweetheart, what can I do?” I could see from the monitor that the contractions were starting to come one on top of the other, but she still managed to smile blearily at me.
“I love you,” she whispered. I pushed the sweaty tendrils of her hair back and smiled down at her. I could feel the tears dripping down my face, but they didn’t matter. Only she did.
“I love you, too. My perfect mate, my strong, beautiful wife. I love you more than I’ll ever be able to show you. But I’m going to spend my life trying.”
“I like… your ears,” she gritted out, another contraction ramping up. I adjusted the costume ears I’d forgotten about. Lin had stuck them on my head when I arrived, saying they were a present from Candy.
“I’ll never take them off,” I promised.
Her nose wrinkled. “Too far.”
“I’d do anything for you, my love. Anything. I’m so proud of you. So proud to be by your side.” I kissed her forehead and stared into her flushed, sweaty face.