Page 56 of Sweet Revenge

“Surprise! I made you and Kingston phones that your magic won’t destroy, and they should work in all of the realms. It’s kind of my thing or was when I was a tech witch.”

“Thank you! This is amazing!” Autumn pulled her in for a hug, and they sort of bounced and swayed together. “I can’t even tell you how much I’ve missed being able to use a phone.”

Over their heads, Kingston nodded at Braxton, and both males smiled as they watched their mates. It hadn’t taken long for Autumn and Devon to bond, and now they were as close as sisters. After a few more minutes of chatting, Kingston and Autumn excused themselves to make their way over to where Paul and Rachel were standing. The alpha pair wrapped their arms around both of them in a welcoming hug.

“I’m stealing my girl for a dance,” Paul declared.

“My girl,” Kingston corrected. “But I’ll let you borrow her since I am going to claim a dance with your mate.”

Paul laughed as he dragged Autumn onto the makeshift dance floor. “The past few weeks have certainly been crazy. How are you doing, Tumi?”

“Everything has been amazing. It still feels like a dream sometimes, but I’m starting to get used to it.” She glanced over to where Kingston was dancing with Rachel. “He’s a good male, Paul.”

“I know he is. He’s almost worthy of you.”


“No one will ever be good enough for you in my eyes, but he’s close.”

“I haven’t been around much, so I haven’t been able to ask, how has the arm been? Any problems with it?”

“Good as new…or old, I should say,” he said with a chuckle. “I still can’t believe the miracle you gave me.”

“Sorry it was so damn traumatic at the time. I’m still learning.”

“You did good, my girl. And I can’t wait to hear about all the other people you are going to help with your gifts. Now, go dance with your mate. He’s staring at me with those glowing eyes, and it’s starting to freak me out.”

Grinning, he twirled her using the arm that she had healed for him, then he gave her a light push toward Kingston. She shared a smile with Rachel as they switched partners, then she slid into her mate’s waiting arms. Resting her head on his chest, they danced until the song ended.

The next few hours were a blur. They ate and drank with friends, danced until their feet ached, and cheered as some of the magic users in the group put on a brilliant display of fireworks. As Autumn walked off the dance floor with Huxley, two males stepped out in front of her, one of them holding a lovely bouquet of flowers. She didn’t recognize either of them, and that immediately put her on edge.


When the male held out the bouquet, she automatically started to take it, but Jilli’s warning from earlier flashed into her mind. She reared back holding her hands against her chest, and reached out to her mate who was across the lawn speaking to Lucifer and a few other people.

“King, the flowers. These guys are trying to give me flowers.”

He teleported to her in an instant, shielding her body with his as he glared at the males. “Who are you?”

The male holding the flowers smiled placidly. “Just well-wishers.”

“Is that so?” Lucifer whispered against the other male’s ear, making him jump. He had teleported over with Kingston, and now, he was circling the strangers like a shark.

Kingston grunted as he folded his arms across his massive chest. “Why do I get the feeling you aren’t telling us the whole truth?”

“What’s this?” Lucifer snapped his fingers with a dramatic flourish, and the card that had been inside the bouquet of flowers appeared in his hand.

“That’s not—”

“Congratulations on your mating, and welcome to the celestial ranks of the gods. Signed, your emp—” Lucifer cut off with a vicious curse. “That motherfucker thinks he can trick them into accepting him as their emperor? Not. Fucking. Happening.”

The second male stiffened, and his polite veneer dropped away. “This is no trick. Goddess of Revenge, you are to come with us to present yourself to the Emperor of the Gods, along with your mate.”

“We discussed this,”Kingston told Autumn as he squeezed her hand in reassurance.“We knew this was going to happen sooner or later, but remember, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

Her mate’s reminder made her relax again. Then, a revenge vision came to her strong enough she had to grab hold of his arm to remain standing.

“What is it? Are you okay?”