Page 45 of Sweet Revenge

“You don’t even need to eat,” Lucifer pointed out. “But I will feed you…after you share what you’ve discovered.”

Keo took a seat in one of the vacant chairs and sighed. “I have both good and bad news. Does that earn me dinner?”

Lucifer smirked. “You may have some wine, but food comes after the update. I don’t like it when people talk with their mouths full. It makes me feel stabby.”

Keo rolled his eyes before turning to address Kingston and Autumn. “Devlin and I went to check out that building you told us about earlier, and you were right. It’s a magical dead zone. That is something I have never encountered in all my long years of existence, but Devlin recognized it right away. It’s a powerful spell, and not one that can be performed by a novice. Actually, most experienced spellcasters wouldn’t be able to manage it, either.”

“How can a spell leave no trace?” Autumn wondered.

“The casting has to be layered over an extended period of time. To leave no magical trace whatsoever, it might have even taken years. Which means that the building is probably being used for some other dark purpose we aren’t aware of yet.”

“All the firefighters at Station Five are some kind of supernatural. Could that be why someone put so much effort into creating a dead zone next door?” Kingston asked. “To stop us from sensing anything?”

“That would make sense,” Keo affirmed.

“My guess would be there is a portal hidden somewhere in that building,” Lucifer declared. “That would be the only logical reason for this sort of preparation.”

“Fucking hell, that would be bad,” Kingston muttered.

Harrison held up a hand. “Hold on. What magical dead zone?”

“Yeah, what the hell are you guys talking about?” Braxton demanded.

Kingston took a few minutes to explain why they had been investigating the fire department’s administration building back in Mystic.

When he was done, Devon turned her attention toward Autumn, her eyes bright with curiosity. “What exactly do you see in these revenge visions of yours? Can you control the visions, or do they just come to you?”

“They sort of pop into my head fully formed. Sometimes I don’t even have to try to complete the revenge cycle, either. It just happens.” Autumn explained some of the situations she’d found herself in since becoming a god, and the entire table listened intently as she spoke. “I’m still learning what I can do, but Kingston is helping me. So are the rest of our friends back in the Human Realm.”

“Have you gotten revenge for Kingston yet?” Braxton demanded.

Kingston glared at him when Autumn’s shoulders hunched in shame, and he wrapped his arm around her. “Watch your tone when you speak to my mate. And that’s why we’re in the Hell Realm. We know it was my brother Jeremiah who framed me, and we’re on a time crunch to collect evidence before the celestial gods come after us.”

“Once we prove to the Supernatural Council that Kingston is innocent, the emperor and his minions won’t have any excuse to come after us,” Autumn explained. “At least, that’s what we hope.”

Braxton slammed his fist against the table, just as his father had done earlier. “That little bastard!”

Devon snorted delicately. “Which one? The emperor or Kingston’s brother?” She shot an apologetic glance over at Harrison. “Sorry, I know Jeremiah is also your grandson, but—”

“If he did this, and I’m confident that he did from what Autumn and Kingston have said, then he is a little bastard. Jeremiah deserves to pay for what he’s done,” Harrison said with conviction. “Not just what he did to Kingston. He has to pay for every single person he’s hurt with his misdeeds.”

“Why don’t we just drag his ass in here and beat a confession out of him?” Braxton demanded.

“Because we need to prove it,” Kingston reiterated. “We already know he is guilty. Autumn’s revenge vision leaves no doubt of that. But we need the Supernatural Council to believe us, and they won’t just take our word for it.”

“Too bad I haven’t figured out how to do a truth reflection with my god fire yet,” Braxton muttered. “My mother can use her god fire to show people a truth reflection. Since the reflection can’t be altered, the council would have to believe that you are innocent.”

“That sounds a lot like the Mirror of Truth,” Autumn pointed out.

“Which is still missing,” Kingston reminded. “Wait…your mother? I thought you didn’t know who she was.”

Braxton shot him a sheepish grin. “Yeah, well, I discovered that my mother is Seraphina, the Goddess of Fire.”

Kingston blew out an audible breath. “Fucking hell, now I understand the whole dual god thing.”

“Can you ask her to come to the council meeting with us?” Autumn asked hopefully.

“I don’t think so. At least, not right now. She is currently serving a punishment for deceiving the Emperor of the Gods,” Braxton told them. “He had ordered her to get rid of me before I was born, but she had refused.”