Page 4 of Sweet Revenge

“Right,” she wheezed out. “The King of Hell, of course.”

“As far as I’m concerned, they got what they deserved. It was a shame I missed their execution, though. I heard it was pretty gruesome. That was to be expected since it happened shortly after Luc and his army were betrayed, so they had a pretty big hate-on for most of the Celestial Realm at that point. It was a chaotic, tumultuous era when we constantly lived on the brink of war, and death and dismemberment were daily threats.” He tilted his head back and sighed. “Ah, those were fun times.”

Clearly, this guy was a little insane, but Autumn wasn’t about to say that out loud. Still, the incredulous look she was giving him probably gave away what she was thinking. Then, she gulped when she remembered that he could hear her thoughts.

“I’m not really crazy. I just pretended to be for a few centuries.”

What in the worlds did she say to that? “Umm…okay.”

“I’m sure you weren’t expecting to see me here today, but as the God of Fate, I’m in charge of dealing with the Merit of Godhood Trials.”

She was slightly confused. The way he was speaking to her made it seem as if they knew one another. Autumn was usually good with faces and names, and while he looked slightly familiar, she was confident they had never spoken before.

“I’m sorry, but have we met before?”

“You’re kidding, right?”

In response to his expression of disbelief, she shook her head slowly. “By any chance, have you been to the bakery near Trifecta University? It’s called The Sweet Spot.”

He let out a loud, aggrieved sigh. “No, I’ve never been to your bakery.” There was a long pause, then he sat up and leaned forward, tilting his face to the side to show off his profile. “You really don’t recognize me?”

“I’m sorry, should I?”

“For the love of…I’m Keo.” When she remained silent, he stood up and spun around. “I’m like the biggest K-pop star in the entire universe. I have millions of fans throughout all the realms and…seriously?” This time, it was his turn to gape at her. “What is wrong with you? Have you been living under a rock or something? How can you not know who I am?”

Of course, she knew who Keo was. At least, she knew his name.

Everyone in the Human Realm did.

Keo wasn’t just famous. He was a megastar who sold out concerts in mere seconds and had close to a billion followers on his social media accounts. Whenever he was photographed, the clothes, jewelry, and shoes he wore were immediately traced by internet sleuths. On more than one occasion, the websites of the brands he’d worn had crashed from the surge in traffic, and restaurants would be booked for months if he was seen dining there.

Despite all of that, it was said that he donated a huge chunk of his earnings to several charities and encouraged his followers to do the same. Some still claimed the influence Keo had over the younger generations was almost diabolic, but Autumn had seen some of her older customers swooning over his pictures or videos they played on their phones while they enjoyed a latte and slice of cake.

“I’m sorry.” Autumn laughed nervously. “Seeing you in full god mode threw me off a little. The glow factor and the long white hair makes you look really different.”

He seemed appeased by that explanation. “You will also need to learn how to tame down your godhood so you don’t scare the humans you interact with every day. It’s just harder to conceal here in the Celestial Realm since there is too much strong magic floating around. Besides, there is no point masking our appearance here.”

She nodded, making a mental note to figure out how to mask the glow before she returned to the Human Realm. The last thing she needed was to scare the crap out of everyone back home. So, Keo was the God of Fate and a celebrity, which gave new meaning to being a legit idol.

Autumn wasn’t sure which of his identities was more intimidating.

“What was I saying before? Oh, yeah, as the original God of Fate, this island is my exclusive domain. Besides supervising the Merit of Godhood Trials, I’m also in charge of dozens of other fate gods since there are so many facets to cover. Now, as a high god with a shit-ton of power, you are going to need to learn a whole different set of skills. There are your basic god powers, and then there are the powers of revenge that are exclusively yours.”

“Wait, what basic god powers? You mean like teleporting and stuff like that?”

“By the stars, what are they teaching in the magical academies these days?” Keo snapped. “Your lack of basic celestial knowledge is utterly disgraceful.”

“Hey! A little while ago, I was a witch with barely any magic. I didn’t even have the required skills to get into any of the magical academies, so excuse me if I need a damn minute to catch up. I’m sure everything I need to know was just downloaded into my freaking brain, but I still have to figure out how to access all of that new information.”

“You’re right. My bad.” He rubbed his hands together. “Well, this has been fun and all, but I’ve got to get going. You need some time to figure shit out, and so do I.”

“You—what? You’re leaving?”

“It’s not like I got a whole lot of warning you’d be dropping by to become a god today. Usually, I get a heads-up before someone is cleared for the trials, but you just…appeared out of the blue. My management team is probably freaking out back in the Human Realm, and I also have thousands of fans who paid for tonight’s concert, so I have to go. We can reconvene in a few days once you’ve had a little time to get used to your new status.”

Panicked, she also stood up. “That’s it? Just, bam, you’re the Goddess of Revenge. Good luck with that and see you later?”

“Pretty much.” He flashed her a grin. “Just relax and take a few days to rest while your body acclimates to your new magic.”