Page 33 of Sweet Revenge

Shortly after he had been arrested, a major brawl had occurred inside the jail. During that fight, he’d happened to suffer the same injuries his wife had. However, unlike the young woman he had tried to kill, he hadn’t gotten help in time.

While Autumn had felt a little bad about the outcome, she hadn’t been the one to cause his death. Not directly, anyway. If her mysterious revenge powers had somehow arranged it, that was simply the universe righting a wrong. On the other hand, Kingston hadn’t felt even a single second of guilt.

He’d thought that it had been fitting justice for all involved.

Kingston worried about her whenever she got a vision, so it was up to him to make sure she was protected. Since they seemed to happen randomly, that meant it was best for him to stick close to her all the time. That didn’t bother him, though. He loved her beyond reason, so spending all of his time with her was simply a bonus.

Each time she got a revenge vision, Kingston was fascinated watching how her powers worked. From the initial vision to the final outcome, it had amazed him how all the puzzle pieces had fit together. And seeing the results had filled him with a similar sense of purpose he’d found while working as a firefighter. He was pleased that he could continue helping people with his mate.

And they could have a lot of fun doing it.

Unfortunately, they still didn’t know how or why one particular person triggered her power while the next didn’t. They also weren’t sure if there was a distance limit to how far her powers could reach. Some of her revenge visions felt like they were optional, like she could choose whether or not to get involved.

Others tugged at her chest and weighed heavily on her mind until she figured out a way to resolve them. As far as priority levels went, it wasn’t up to her. They weren’t sure why some of the smaller, almost insignificant issues were given such precedence, but she trusted her magical instincts.

And in turn, Kingston trusted her.

It had surprised them all when Autumn had gotten a revenge vision from one of the trainees. Kingston had thought Jett Vintner had been lazy when he’d observed him during training, but he’d been doing much better since the competition the other day. Through her revenge vision, Autumn saw that the poor kid was just exhausted and struggling to get by.

The bear shifter-human hybrid had been orphaned at a young age and had ended up in a group home for supes on the East Coast. He’d saved all his money to move to Mystic with the sole purpose of becoming a firefighter and trying to get into Station Five. Sadly, soon after he’d arrived in Mystic, the motel room he’d been staying in had been broken into and most of his possessions and cash had been stolen.

Unable to pay for a room, he’d ended up sleeping in his Jeep until he’d started the training program and had moved into the dorm. During his free time, he had been trying to track down the items that had been stolen since they were the only things he’d had to remember his family by.

After Autumn had shared that information with him, Kingston called the young male over to join them. Vintner had been scared and confused at first, then he had dropped to his knees in shock when all of his stolen possessions had suddenly appeared on the lawn before him. The motel’s manager had been the one who had stolen everything from him, but Vintner hadn’t been his first or last victim.

He hadn’t been able to get his cash back since the manager had already spent most of it, but Kingston had offered his condo to the kid until he could get back on his feet. Autumn had done something similar with her own condo for two of her employees from the bakery. Since they had moved into the enchanted treehouse, they had been planning to sell their condos in the city, but they liked the idea of using them to help people instead.

Vintner had been overwhelmed by the sudden offer, but they hadn’t given him a chance to turn them down. Kingston had teleported him and his things directly to the condo to set him up, while Autumn had remained at the firehouse. She had filled Huxley and Thayer in on what had happened, and by the time Kingston and Vintner had returned, they had come up with the perfect way to get back at the motel manager.

She and Kingston had teleported to the motel just in time to watch the manager getting the snot beat out of him. He’d snuck into one of the rooms, but unfortunately for him, he had chosen to rob a dangerous drug dealer who’d been hiding out from the cops and a few of his associates. Autumn had arranged for the police to show up, and both the drug dealer and the motel manager had been arrested.

She’d called it a two-for-one revenge special.

When the manager’s room had been searched, Kingston had been disgusted when a surveillance setup had been discovered that proved he’d been spying in some of the rooms. Satisfied with the outcome, they returned to the firehouse to explain what had happened to everyone. The crew had been eager for her to test out her powers on them, but she hadn’t gotten any more visions.

After leaving the firehouse, Kingston and Autumn had walked over to the bakery. He’d loved strolling down the street with her holding her hand. He’d imagined it countless times over the years but had never believed it would actually happen. He still worried about his enemies bothering her but was now confident that they could handle any trouble that came their way.

The Sweet Spot was closed for the day, but her staff had shown up for their lunch meeting without a single complaint. Much to their credit, her employees at the bakery had taken the news of her godhood rather well. In fact, several of them had looked supremely relieved, which hadn’t made sense until one of them had blurted out the reason.

“We thought you were sick or something,” Cami had said in a rush. “You never miss work. Like ever, except for when you go on vacation. Even then, it’s usually with Jordan, and she’s been here but unusually tight-lipped.”

A guy named Rick vigorously nodded. “We could all tell something was up. Damn it, boss. We’ve been so freaking worried.”

Autumn had hugged each of them in turn, assuring them that she was fine. Kingston had enjoyed watching the group together during lunch, and he’d been pleased with how readily they had accepted him into their fold. He could tell that the staff at The Sweet Spot was more than just friends to her. They were her family as much as the Bazin pack was, and that meant they belonged to him as well.

Once they were done eating the pizzas they had brought in, Autumn’s friends surprised them by rolling out the wedding cake they had prepared. They’d wanted to celebrate their boss’s mating but hadn’t wanted to make anything too traditional. The cake was an adorable cartoon version of Kingston in full firefighter gear carrying a cartoon woman who looked like Autumn. The inside of the cake was layers of chocolate and vanilla sponge cake with buttercream and raspberry mousse filling.

As they had enjoyed the delicious slices of cake, Kingston had reached out to his mate through their bond.“I never even thought about our mating celebration. I’m sorry, Tumi. You deserve a huge party with lots of guests and—”

“I don’t need all of that. As long as I have you and our friends, everything is perfect.”

After eating way too much cake, he’d left them to their chatter while he’d gone outside to walk the perimeter of the building before creating the magical wards to protect the bakery. Using his new god powers, he’d made sure the bakery would remain safe. He also ensured that anyone who wished the bakery or the people inside of it harm would be prevented from walking through the doors.

His god powers might be new, but he had been very familiar with using protection wards and basic spellcasting as a demon. Still, he’d taken his time, wanting to give his mate some time alone with her friends. It had warmed his heart when she had reached out to him through their bond.

“There is no need for that, silly. Come back inside. It’s cold out there.”

“I’m almost done, mate. Save some cookies for me.”