Page 29 of Sweet Revenge

“Good. I wasn’t kidding last night when I said I wouldn’t be good at having that kind of power. But now, I’ll be able to help and protect you while you work.”

She considered it for a moment, then realized she felt relieved that he had freely offered to help her without her having to ask. “What about the fire department?”

He shrugged. “I’m sure I can still help out when needed. But as a god, I don’t think I should be hanging around the firehouse much anymore. Honestly, I wouldn’t want to risk my new powers fucking with all of the equipment at the station. Technology can be temperamental around strong magic,” he reminded. “Besides, that could bring a whole lot of unwanted attention to the other supes there.”

She smiled at him. “I’d rather have you with me anyway. Wait! Does that mean I have to quit working at the bakery?”

“I don’t think so. You do most of your work in the kitchen away from the customers, so I think that will be safe enough. Your magic might mess with the security system there, so you might want to consider switching to protection wards instead.”

“Let’s do that. Working at the bakery full-time doesn’t make sense anymore, not when I should be out there using my magic and helping people. Who knows how many of these vision things I’ll start getting once I’m around more people.”

“I guess we are going to have to test that.”

Autumn started to speak again but paused when she felt a tingle of awareness. Someone had made it through the first layer of protection surrounding the cottage. When she did a quick scan, she relaxed. “We’ll have to do that later. We’re about to have company.”

“The twins again?”

Last night, Autumn had sensed the twins approaching the area right outside of the magical wards. They hadn’t tried to enter the protected area. They had simply set up camp right outside of the wards, as if waiting for an invitation inside. Since she and Kingston had been otherwise occupied for most of the night, they had decided to just leave the boys to their camp and deal with them later.

“The twins are still asleep in their tent, but it looks like Hux and Thayer have come to check on us.”

“Just ignore them. They should know better than to interrupt us after we just bonded,” he said, leaning in for a kiss.

She chuckled. “But they don’t know we did. They are probably worried after we just left yesterday. I’m sure they want to make sure you are okay.”

“Well, aren’t they in for a surprise?”

“Come on, let’s go show off your new glowing eyes.”

Kingston chuckled as he dragged her out of bed. It didn’t take them long to get ready, since being a god definitely had its perks. Autumn had been annoyed at how quickly he had been able to clean and dress them using his new magic. Then again, he had always been a powerful demon, so their learning curve wasn’t exactly starting on the same level.

But there was no mistaking that she was more powerful than he was now.

Instead of making him jealous, he was proud of that fact. His mate was the fucking Goddess of Revenge. He thought that was cool as hell, and he had no problem admitting that his power upgrades were entirely thanks to her. Looking at the mirror had certainly given him a jolt, though. The glowing silver eyes staring back at him had made it seem like he had been looking at a stranger.

Long, flowing hair didn’t suit him, so he’d decided to alter his hair using his magic before going outside. He’d shaved the sides but left the top longer in a stylish pompadour. It was a throwback to how he used to look before he’d gone to prison, but his new glowing skin and eyes made him look like a new, better version of himself.

Since there was a chill in the air, he’d dressed them both in comfortable lounge pants and long-sleeve shirts. His clothing was basic black, while he’d made hers a few shades lighter, like the color of night fog. Her shirt had the wordgoddessprinted on the front in big, sparkly pink letters. Her delighted laugh made his effort at humor worth it.

They took the long way out of the treehouse so he could get a look at some of the rooms he hadn’t seen the previous night. Their new home might have looked humble yet charming from the outside, but inside, it was a massive, luxurious masterpiece.

Once they were outside, they strolled along the stone pathway hand-in-hand down to where Huxley and Thayer were talking to the twins. Declan and Murphy were lying down with their heads poking out of the tent opening, and both boys had their chins resting on their folded hands. They looked like they were barely listening to their older brother scolding them, and Declan yawned before tilting his head to the side to crack his neck. Since the others couldn’t see them, Kingston and Autumn watched the show as they tried not the laugh.

“Mom and Dad want you home,” Huxley told his brothers. “So, pack up your shit and head back to the house.”

Unperturbed by his older brother’s irritation, Murphy yawned before saying, “Not yet. Tumi is our sister, and we want to see her new house. We’re going to wait here until she lets us in.”

“I think she’s busy at the moment,” Thayer said with a laugh. “And I don’t think Kingston is going to appreciate his time with his mate being interrupted.”

Declan flashed a sleepy smile. “She loves us. Of course, she’ll let us in.”

“Don’t even think about moving into her treehouse,” Huxley growled. He held up a hand to stop the twins from speaking. “Oh, I know what you’re thinking, and no, you will not even ask.”

Murphy’s lower lip stuck out in a pout. “But you said she added a bunch of guest rooms.”

“Not for you,” Huxley countered. “Besides, she just bonded with King. There is no way they are going to want you two troublemakers hanging around.”

“He’s right about that,” King declared cheerfully as he and Autumn passed through the magical wards and into the clearing to join the others.