Page 28 of Sweet Revenge

Baking might not seem very physical to those who didn’t do it on a regular basis, but it took a fair bit of strength and muscle to do well. Since her power upgrade, every morning she had woken feeling as if she’d just had the best sleep of her entire life. It was strange not to feel any discomfort, but she wasn’t about to start complaining.

Tilting her head back, she glanced up at his beautiful face, and her eyes widened in surprise. Even in the darkened room, she could see the bronze shimmer of his skin and the long, glossy strands of his inky black hair. It was shocking to realize that their mating bond had more unexpected consequences than she had initially believed.

Not only were their minds connected, so was their magic. He wasn’t a revenge god like she was, but through their mating bond, he now had some of her god powers. And wasn’t that going to be fun to explain when he woke up?

Last night had been absolutely magical. Bonding with Kingston had been a dream come true. After making love again, they had taken a break to eat and relax under a blanket of starlight. They had talked about everything they had been keeping from one another over the past three years, laughing and groaning as they’d made their confessions.

Autumn had been astounded at the lengths he’d gone to in order to secretly protect her. Some of it she had guessed, but the other things he’d admitted to had surprised her. She’d laughed until tears had filled her eyes when he’d told her about the various methods he had used to convince men to leave her alone over the years.

She’d gasped when he told her about a particular incident when she’d almost been mugged walking to the bakery in the early hours of the morning. Mystic was a relatively safe city, but there would always be predators waiting to prey on the weak. Needless to say, the two men who had tried to attack her had come to a very bad end after Kingston had been done with them.

The way he had skillfully stalked her using cameras and accomplices should have terrified her and made her angry, but she found herself being amused instead. He’d had the video footage sent directly to his phone so he could make sure she got home safely when he wasn’t there. She was also impressed that he had managed to tap into the security feeds at the bakery.

If their roles had been reversed, and she had been the one who knew they were mates, she probably would have done the same thing.

Kingston had been pleased when she had confessed to being infatuated with him since the day they had met. He’d made her admit that she had baked things especially for him and had visited the firehouse a few times each week just to spend some time with him. Every time he had been out on a call, she had been glued to her phone, waiting for an all-clear text from Huxley so she would know he and Kingston were safe.

Now that he was a god, she wouldn’t have to worry about him as much.

They’d made love a few more times before finally surrendering to their need for sleep. She knew that rest had been necessary to complete the merging of their magic, but she hadn’t been prepared to see his hair grow overnight. She should have realized it since her own hair had done the same thing.

She reached out to stroke some of the long inky strands away from his face, then she ran her fingertip down the slope of his nose. Shifting her hand lower, she traced light circles over the mating mark on his chest. When his glowing silver eyes opened to stare back at her, she swallowed hard.

“Good morning,” she whispered, trying to smile.

“What’s wrong?” he demanded, immediately seeing through her façade.

“Don’t be mad.”

His brows furrowed in confusion. “I’m waking up with you naked beside me. Why would I be mad?”

She sighed. “Because you are now a god?”

He blinked once, twice, three times, then he gaped at her. “I’m what now?” He relaxed a little and smiled. “Oh, you mean because we merged some of our magic together when we bonded.”

She slowly shook her head. “I mean your eyes are glowing and so is your skin. And your hair is…” Instead of trying to explain, she lifted some of the dark strands forward so he could see them for himself. Chuckling weakly, she said, “Surprise!”

He didn’t speak as he stared down at his hair, then he looked over at her and began to laugh. It wasn’t a soft, faint sound like hers had been. Instead, he released a loud, booming laugh that made her bounce off his chest.

Perhaps the news had broken him or something.

She sat up so she could stare down at him in concern. His laughter trailed off as he also sat up, propping his back against the cushioned headboard. When she started to get out of bed, he shook his head and pulled her closer. Once she was cuddled up against his side again, he pressed a kiss to her forehead and let out a contented sigh.

“I don’t even know what to say about all of this.” He chuckled again. “Me, a god. I still can’t believe it.”

“Welcome to the club.” She paused before asking, “So, you’re not mad?”

“Mad? Why would I be mad that you made me a god? This is an unexpected gift of epic proportions. Now, I won’t have to worry about being your weakness or slowing you down.”

That made her frown. “I never thought of you as a weakness, King.”

“No, but I did. If I’m going to help you get revenge for people, I didn’t want you to be worried about protecting me.”

Her eyes widened. “You’re going to help me?”

Now, it was his turn to frown. “You are my mate, Tumi. Of course, I’m going to help you. Wait, I won’t get those, what did you call it? Revenge visions? I won’t get any of those, will I?”

“Our mating bond made you a god, but it didn’t give you any of my revenge powers. I guess that still makes me the one and only.”