He could feel himself growing hard, his erection as urgent and demanding as a randy teenager’s, as hot and heavy as a man’s. He knew he had to stop before he lost his last fragile thread of control.
Sighing, he pulled back, then stared into Kelsey’s dazed eyes.
“Oh, my,” she murmured, resting her forehead against his chest. “I’ve been married. I’m a doctor. I’ve read all the anatomy and human sexuality books. I understand how this works, but it has never,never,felt like this before.”
Dylan grinned, nearly gave in to the temptation to swell right up with male pride. He had the sense not to delude himself that this was entirely personal, though. “Darlin’, under the circumstances, what with all this adrenaline that’s been pumping today, any man could have made your head reel.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Trust me.”
“I do,” she said at once. “Just not about that.”
“We’ll try it again in a few days and see what you think.”
Still frowning, she drew in a deep breath and gave him a curt nod. “I’ll be looking forward to it,” she said in a prim, businesslike tone that made him want to ravish her right then and there.
“I’ve got to get out of here,” he muttered under his breath. This was dangerous turf, especially for two people who had a whole lot of thinking to do.
“Don’t go,” she pleaded. “Everyone will leave soon. Bobby will go to bed. I’m way too wired to sleep. I could use the company.”
He scanned her face looking for evidence of just what she wanted the company for.
As if she’d read his mind, she smiled. “Just to talk, Dylan.”
He nodded. “I can do that.”
But it was going to be a whole lot harder than she could possibly guess.
Kelsey knew that Dylan was struggling with himself, that he wanted her every bit as much as she wanted him. She also recognized the danger in wanting something so badly under the circumstances. She certainly wasn’t thinking clearly. Too much had happened in the last few days.
Still, she was reluctant to let him leave, even more reluctant to be alone with her thoughts. Her promise to do nothing more than talk had been made in haste, born of desperation. However, maybe by the time everyone else had gone home, after she’d tucked Bobby into his bed, she would have cooled down enough to stick to it.
“I’d better get in there and start saying goodbye. Maybe they’ll take the hint,” she said.
“You go. I’ll hang out in here for a bit,” Dylan said as he grabbed a beer from the refrigerator.
She walked back into the living room, scanning it for signs of Bobby. When she didn’t spot him at once, her heart slammed against her ribs. She moved through the living room, then ran up the stairs to check his bedroom. He wasn’t there, either. By the time she came back downstairs, her pulse was racing.
“Bobby! Where are you? Lizzy, Sharon Lynn, have either of you seen Bobby?”
Her shout brought Dylan from the kitchen.
“What is it?”
“I can’t find Bobby,” she said, nearing hysteria. Lizzy rushed over, grabbed her in a tight hug. “Kelsey, it’s okay. He’s just outside with the other kids. They’re playing hide-and-seek in the backyard.”
“Are you sure?” she asked, her breathing not yet returning to normal.
“I’ll check,” Dylan said at once.
She was right on his heels. “I’ll go with you.”
He took her hand and she immediately felt calmer. But only when she spotted Bobby racing after Lizzy’s son did her heartbeat slow. She sank down onto the top step and put her hands over her face. “Dear God, will I ever get past this?”
“Of course you will,” Dylan said. “It’s only been a few hours, darlin’. Nobody gets over having their kid taken that fast. Stop beating yourself up over a perfectly normal reaction.”
She heard Bobby’s laughter as he and some of the others tackled Jamey and began tickling him till he pleaded for mercy.