Page 122 of Winter Vows

“You figure Justin has things under control up there?” Dylan asked, half looking for an excuse to change his mind.

“As much as any man could under the circumstances,” the deputy responded.

“Then I guess we’ll do what he intended us to do. Sit tight.”

“Got to say it’s not in my nature,” the man said.

“Mine, either,” Dylan said with heartfelt agreement.

Even so, they sat and waited.

Paul’s car eased to a stop about ten feet behind Kelsey’s. The passenger door opened at once and Bobby emerged with a whoop of excitement.

“Mommy!” he called and ran toward her, even as Paul was shouting at him to stop.

Kelsey and Bobby both ignored him. She knelt down and opened her arms, tears streaking down her cheeks. At the feel of his warm, solid little body next to hers, she trembled violently. A relief unlike anything she had ever felt before washed over her. It was several minutes later, with Bobby squirming to get free, before she released him, then rocked back on her heels to study him.

Bobby stared at her, his expression puzzled. “Mommy, why are you crying?”

“I’m just glad to see you, that’s all. I’ve missed you.”

“I missed you, too.”

She ran a hand over his cheek, then touched his forehead to reassure herself that his fever was truly gone.

“Mommy,” Bobby protested, wriggling away from the touch.

“I guess you don’t need any of Mommy’s kisses to make you better, after all,” she said.

“I told you he was fine,” Paul said.

The sound of his voice startled her. How had she forgotten about him? He was the reason they were out here. Controlling the surge of anger that rushed through her, she stood slowly and met his gaze.

She forced herself not to flinch when she saw the wild look in his eyes. “Thank you for bringing him back to me,” she said, knowing that it could easily have gone another way.

“I told you I would. Now you need to keep your end of the bargain.”

“The pills are in the car.”

“You get them for me.”

She didn’t bother arguing. But as she moved toward the car, she took Bobby’s hand. “Come on, sweetie. Help me get the bag I brought for Daddy.”

“No,” Paul said sharply. “He stays right here with me.”

Kelsey wanted desperately to argue, but she released Bobby’s hand. Just go along with him, she reminded herself. Give him the pills and let him leave. That’s what Justin had told her to do.

Even so, giving in to his demands went against everything she believed in. She couldn’t bear the thought of him taking Bobby out of her reach again. The only thing that made her comply was the knowledge that he could still take Bobbyandthe pills. This wasn’t over yet. Not by a long shot.

She retrieved the duffel bag, then set it on the ground between them. Paul grabbed for it, took a quick look inside, then nodded with satisfaction.

“See, Kelsey, that wasn’t so hard. We both end up with what we want.” He glanced at Bobby and for just a second there was a hint of the old Paul in his expression, the faintest suggestion of real regret. “See you, son.”

Bobby regarded his father with surprise. “You’re going away again, Daddy?”

Paul nodded. “I’ve got to go back to Miami,” he said, then briskly turned and headed for his car as if the past few days had been no more than a minor blip in his life.

Whatever had gone on the preceding few days, however frightened Bobby might have been at times, seemed to be forgotten. His face clouded over. “No, Daddy. Don’t go.”