Page 97 of Winter Vows

“Will do. Gotta run. There’s another call coming in.”

“Thanks, Becky. See you soon.”

He made one last call, this time to Trish. “Hey, sis.”

“Dylan, where on earth have you been? I’ve been worried sick.”

“Why?” he asked, not used to anyone worrying about him. It had been a long time. After a couple of years, Kit had given up asking about his schedule. She’d said she was tired of his insensitivity. He’d accused her of nagging. In fact, that had been the beginning of the end of their marriage.

“I thought you’d at least check in last night,” Trish scolded.

“Sorry. As soon as I was assigned to do a quick search in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, I took off. It never even occurred to me to call you.”

“I think I’m beginning to see why Kit complained so bitterly,” his sister said mildly. “You get so caught up in the hunt, you forget all about the people who love you.”

“Okay, Trish. I get it. I’m sorry.”

“Good. Now, tell me, did you find anything?

When are you coming back?”

“Nothing,” he said for the second time that morning. “And I should be back in a few hours. Do me a favor.”

“Anything,” she said at once.

“Call Jeb and see what he’s got going on at work. Tell him I could use him on this, if he can get away.”

“You want me to get our brother to come to Los Pinõs and help you on a case? Won’t Father have a cow?”

Dylan chuckled. “I certainly hope so. I try to stick it to him whenever I can. Jeb’s a better P.I. than he is an oilman and everyone except Dad knows it.”

“You’re kidding,” Trish said, clearly amazed. “He’s worked with you before?”

“Every chance he gets,” Dylan told her. “What about Michael and Tyler?”

“No, I am very much afraid that neither of them will leave the family business, though Tyler is showing evidence that he’d like to slip out of a suit and tie and go work the rigs. Dad hasn’t quite decided how he feels about that one yet.”

“How come I didn’t know about any of this?”

“Because you were too busy with your own rebellion.”

“Yes,” she agreed thoughtfully. “I suppose I was. Okay, I’ll call Jeb. Anything else?”

“Nope. Just pray that today’s the day we get a break. I don’t like the way this is dragging on. I want that boy back home, where he belongs.”

He heard Trish’s quiet intake of breath.

“Dylan, does that mean you’re really okay with the fact that she’s got full custody? There’s not a part of you hoping that Paul will get away with Bobby?”

“Not anymore,” he said, praying he was being truthful.

“You’re sure?” she persisted.

“I have to accept that Bobby’s with her for a reason. I just wish to hell someone would come clean and tell me what it is. See you later, sis. I will check in. I promise.”

“You’d better, or I’ll tell Laura that her favorite uncle is a perfect example of the kind of man she should steer clear of.”

“That might be good advice under any circumstances,” he admitted. “Just don’t lay it on her now.”