“He didn’t write the forged prescriptions in Texas,” Lizzy pointed out. “The crime occurred in another jurisdiction.”
“I suppose.” She buried her face in her hands. “This is so awful. I never in a million years thought things would come to this when I left Paul. I thought it was over, that he would see that the agreement was in his best interests. He’s a brilliant man. His whole career, everything he’s worked so hard for, all of it’s on the line. How could he be so dumb?”
“Because his brain is clouded by narcotics,” Lizzy said flatly. “That’s what makes the whole situation so dangerous. He can’t possibly be thinking clearly.”
She sat down next to Kelsey and grasped her hands. “I think you need to tell Dylan or Justin the whole truth. Now, Kelsey, before something happens and you live to regret it.”
She drew in a deep breath, then nodded. “Okay. As soon as Dylan comes back, I’ll tell him,” she promised.
“You don’t want to call him, get him back here?”
“No. He’s out looking for Bobby. Maybe he’ll find him and all this will become moot.”
Lizzy looked as if she was about to argue, but her father’s arrival silenced her. “Hey, Daddy,” she said, when Harlan Adams rapped on the back door. “Come on in.”
He came straight to Kelsey and held out his arms. “How are you, darlin’ girl? This must be making you crazy.”
“I’ve had better days,” she agreed. “Thanks for stopping by.”
“Just wanted to see for myself how you’re holding up. Janet says if you need her, just give a shout and she’ll come in. She’s in the car, but thought you might be getting sick of people hovering.”
“Not the two of you,” Kelsey said.
“Is my grandson doing right by you?” he asked. “Justin’s been wonderful.”
“To tell you the truth, I thought he’d have that boy back by now. Maybe I ought to start making a few calls. I’ve got some friends around this state who can shake things up.”
“Daddy, leave this to Justin,” Lizzy said. “He doesn’t need you interfering in his work.”
Harlan regarded Lizzy indignantly. “Who’s interfering? I’m just trying to see that the job gets done.” He turned his gaze back to Kelsey. “What about this Delacourt fellow? Is he any good?”
“He seems to be,” Kelsey said. “He and Justin have come up with some solid leads. They’re checking them out now.”
“Tell him to come by the house. I want to meet him, see for myself whether he’s up to the job.”
“Daddy,” Lizzy protested. “You can’t crossexamine Dylan. He’ll tell you to mind your own damned business.”
“If he does, he does. At least I’ll have had a look at him. I like that sister of his a lot. She’s settled Hardy down, turned him into a regular family man.
Didn’t get to see too much of her brothers at the wedding, except to notice that they’re a handsome lot. Dark-haired, blue-eyed scoundrels from the look of them. And of course, I know they’re from a fine family. Jordan says the Delacourts are honorable people.”
“Well, you would certainly know all about scoundrels, wouldn’t you?” Lizzy teased. “Just look at the men in this family.”
“Watch your tongue, young lady. I raised fine, honorable sons and a couple of rambunctious daughters. My grandbabies are living up to the same tradition. I won’t listen to anyone who says otherwise.”
“Because you’re prejudiced,” she accused. Kelsey listened to the banter, then chuckled despite the gravity of her own circumstances. “You two are so wonderful,” she said. “You might bicker and tease, but there’s so much love there. It’s the way with your whole family. I want Bobby to grow up feeling that kind of love.”
As suddenly as she’d laughed, her voice caught on a sob and the tears flowed again.
Harlan Adams took her hand in his. “He will, darlin’ girl. You can count on it. If there’s a God in heaven, Bobby will be back here before you know it. Just have faith.”
Kelsey wanted desperately to believe him, but right this second her faith was in short supply.
When Justin was parceling out search assignments, Dylan opted for going to scour the Dallas-Fort Worth area. He needed to put some space between himself and Kelsey James. He was too irritated with her. He was also undeniably attracted to her. It was a lousy mix for a situation that required cool, calm objectivity.
Besides, he was itching for action. Some private investigators could spend all day just doing computer research. Not him. He needed to be on the move, especially when he had so many reasons for wanting to succeed.
A part of him wanted to find Paul and Bobby, so he could be the one to reunite mother and son. Another less attractive part of him wanted to put a fist in the other man’s face. It was a toss-up which part would win when the moment of truth came.