“Indeed. Between Kelly, who packed the lunch, and Sharon Lynn, who crept next door to peek in the windows, we pretty much know everything,” Laurie said with unrepentant glee.
“Then why ask me?”
“Confirmation, of course. Plus spin. These secondhand reports lack all the juicy details.”
“Too bad,” Hardy grumbled. “Because I’m not talking.”
Harlan Patrick regarded him speculatively. “Is that so? I wonder why?”
“I never kiss and tell,” Hardy said.
“Of course you do,” his friend contradicted. “Why do you think the guys in the bunkhouse wait up for you? They’re living vicariously through you.”
“So, spill it,” Laurie said. “Do you like her?” Now there was a dangerous question.
Hardy considered his response carefully. “Of course I like her. She’s a very nice woman.”
“Nice?” Laurie made a face. “What a disgustingly lukewarm description. She’s beautiful.”
“You’ll get no argument from me about that.”
“Then you are attracted to her?” she gloated, putting her own spin on things.
“I never said—”
“Give it up,” Harlan Patrick advised. “Once these women get an idea into their heads, you’ll only make yourself crazy trying to convince them otherwise.”
“I thought your grandfather was the one I needed to watch out for,” Hardy said, unable to keep a plaintive note out of his voice. At the rate the number of matchmakers was multiplying, he might as well go out and buy the blasted engagement ring.
“Where do you think they get their inspiration?” Harlan Patrick retorted. “He won’t live forever and he’s making darn sure that others share his skill.”
Hardy noticed the amorous Rita watching him from across the room, her expression hopeful. He knew that a simple nod of his head would bring her over, knew precisely where it would lead. That was what he had wanted when he’d walked through the door, simple, uncomplicated sex.
Unfortunately all this talk about Trish had cooled his desire. He knew he’d never get her image out of his head, no matter how wickedly clever some other woman might be. He sighed with regret and forced his gaze back to Laurie and Harlan Patrick. He noted that the man was regarding him with undisguised sympathy.
“You going back into town to help her tomorrow?” Harlan Patrick asked.
“I imagine,” Hardy said reluctantly.
“Maybe we should go, too,” Laurie suggested. “We can make a party of it. I’ll call Val and the others first thing in the morning.”
Terrific,Hardy thought. Not only would he have to contend with the frustration of being around Trish without doing anything about the attraction that was building between them, but he’d have avid witnesses to his resulting discomfort.
Maybe he just wouldn’t go. After all, if she had all that willing help, why did she need him? He wasn’t on her payroll until Monday. He could stay at the ranch and do something physical, something that would wear him out, something that would drive any and all thoughts of Trish Delacourt and her sexy little body and vulnerable eyes out of his head. Then he could take an icy shower for good measure. Maybe if he tamed every last trace of lust, he could get through the next week without losing his mind.
The store was crawling with people, so many that they were getting in each other’s way, then laughing good-naturedly about the ensuing chaos. Trish stood back and watched the various members of the Adams clan scrubbing floors, washing down walls, patching plaster and teasing each other with an affection she envied. Only Kelly was missing. She’d stayed home with Laura once again.
And Hardy, of course. Trish’s gaze shot to the door each time it swung open, but he hadn’t shown up. She kept telling herself it didn’t matter, that he wasn’t obligated to be here today, but she missed him more than she wanted to admit.
“Looking for anyone in particular?” Laurie asked, sneaking up beside her.
“Of course not,” Trish denied, fully aware of the heat that scalded her cheeks.
“Well, if you are looking for Hardy, I think I’m responsible for him not being here.”
“Why on earth would you think that?”
“To tell you the truth, I might have scared him off,” Laurie admitted. “He was in Garden City last night.”