Page 21 of Winter Vows

“Six o’clock okay?”

“Perfect. I can get Laura fed and she’ll stay down for a few hours. I’ll make sure it’s okay with Kelly if I leave her here.”

“Oh, I doubt she’ll object,” Hardy said dryly. In fact, if he had to put money on it, he’d bet that Kelly would do a little jig in the street when she discovered that Trish was thinking of staying and that it had been his idea.

Obviously, he’d lost his mind.


Maybe he could still talk her out of staying in Los Piños, Hardy consoled himself as he drove over to pick up Trish the next night. After all, the decision hadn’t been carved in granite.

He had told absolutely no one about his impulsive, ill-considered idea. He just prayed that it would come to nothing and no one would ever find out about it. He was taking enough ribbing about Trish and the baby as it was. If people found out he’d all but asked her to stick around town, they would make way too much of it.

“Come on in,” Kelly said, greeting him at the door with a beaming smile.

Hardy took one look at her expression and concluded he was already out of luck. She knew. Either Trish had already blabbed about the reason for this excursion or Kelly had drawn her own conclusions. Either way, his goose was cooked.

“I can wait out here,” he said, hoping to forestall a cross-examination. “Unless it’s going to be a while.”

“No, she’ll be right down. She’s just checking on the baby one last time.” She gave him a knowing look. “You aren’t afraid I’m going to subject you to some sort of inquisition if you come inside, are you?”

“Of course not,” he lied.

“Well then, I don’t see any need for the two of us to stand out here freezing. Jordan’s away on business, so you’re safe on that front, too.”

He forced a smile. “Not to be disrespectful, but you really are a handful, aren’t you?”

She grinned. “I certainly try to be. It keeps marriage from getting stale.”

Hardy stepped inside, then stood there, warily eyeing Kelly Adams. She was all but popping with curiosity. He figured her promise not to subject him to a string of nosy questions was likely to be as short-lived as his resolve to steer clear of Trish. She didn’t disappoint him.

“I hear you suggested Trish open a bookstore right here in Los Piños,” she said conversationally.

“It didn’t happen exactly like that, but yes, I suppose I’m the one who planted the idea.”

“I think it’s a brilliant idea. It would be wonderful not to have to drive all the way over to Garden City just to pick up a paperback.”

“Sharon Lynn stocks paperbacks at Dolan’s,” he pointed out. “Maybe she’s thinking of expanding. How’s she going to feel about a bookstore going in?”

“She only carries a few bestsellers,” Kelly said dismissively. “Not nearly enough for an avid reader. Besides, she thinks they’re a nuisance.”

He twisted his hat in his hands. “Yeah, well, it probably won’t work out. I doubt there’s any property available on Main Street.”

“Actually, there is,” Kelly said, clearly enjoying his discomfort. “I checked it out today. That little tailor shop right next door to Dolan’s is closing. I think it’s the perfect size for a bookstore, don’t you? With a little work, it would be wonderfully cozy. And the rent is reasonable. More than reasonable, really. Trish couldn’t believe it.”

Hardy bit back a groan. “Harlan Adams wouldn’t by any chance own that property, would he?” he asked suspiciously. If the man hadn’t owned it this morning, he probably did by now.

Kelly beamed. “Why, as a matter of fact, he does.”

“I don’t suppose it was his idea to boot the tailor shop out of there?”

“Of course not. Willetta’s eyes aren’t what they used to be. Can’t thread a needle if you can’t see, you know. She’s been wanting to retire for a long time. She finally made the decision to join her sister in Arizona.”

It wouldn’t surprise Hardy to discover that Harlan Adams was paying her moving expenses and giving her some sort of payoff to get her out of there.

“Funny, I hadn’t heard a thing about that,” he said, watching Kelly’s face for any sign of a telltale blush. She didn’t so much as blink.

“It was a recent decision,” she told him, then glanced upstairs. “Oh, here’s Trish now. Doesn’t she look wonderful?”