“I doubt there’s been much need for one before now,” Dylan said dryly. “It’s mostly used for business trips.”
“Don’t the Delacourt men ever rest?”
“Not so you’d notice.”
“Too bad,” she said, then tried a release button to see just how far the seat would go back. “Not bad,” she observed when Dylan was all but prone. His eyes widened as she inched over to join him.
“Kelsey, I really don’t think...”
“Ssh.” She touched a finger to his lips. “This isn’t about thinking. It’s about discovery and exploration. Since you’re part of an oil family, those terms should be familiar.”
“I’m a private investigator,” he reminded her, though a smile was building at the corners of his mouth.
“Then investigate,” she said boldly, sitting up so she was straddling him.
“Oh, baby,” he murmured, but his hands fumbled with the buttons on her blouse, then made short work of her bra.
His heated gaze settled on her breasts with such longing that she could feel the nipples tighten into hard little buds. When his mouth closed over one, she sucked in a shocked breath, then moaned with pure pleasure. “Oh, Dylan,” she said with a sigh. “I want you so much.”
“Since I could never deny you anything, I guess that means we make love here and now,” he said with feigned resignation. “Are you really sure you don’t want to wait for fancy sheets and buckets of champagne?”
She picked up her glass and dribbled a few drops of champagne on his chest, then leaned down and slowly licked them up. “There’s more than enough champagne right here to make things interesting.”
“Kelsey, I’ve gotta admit this is a side of you I never imagined.”
She laughed at his perplexed expression. “Hey, I grew up playing doctor, remember? How about you?”
“Not once,” he admitted.
“Then now’s your chance. I’ll let you know if you’re getting it right.”
“I’m so glad I have an expert on hand to advise me.”
“Something tells me you’ll be a very apt pupil,” she said as his hands moved from her breasts to her hips, then began working on the snap of her slacks. Desire took away the last of her breath as she gave in to sensation—heating skin, slick caresses, intimate kisses.
She murmured praise and yearning in a mix that quickly turned to almost incoherent pleas as the coil of tension inside her spiraled tighter and tighter. Only when she was at the very edge did Dylan lift her hips, then settle her over him until he was deep inside.
Complete, she thought with amazement. This was what it felt like to be whole, to know the wonder of being one with another person. How had she not known about this in all the years she and Paul had rushed through sex, fitting it into a schedule already filled to bursting with other commitments? That was why, of course. They had had no leisure, no time or inclination for the pure enjoyment of each other’s bodies. How terribly sad, she thought right before she gave herself completely to wicked sensation.
Yet how right that she was discovering this now with the man who was her future, the man who had given her back her son, then blessed her with a stepson she was rapidly coming to love.
Dylan looked deep into her eyes and seemed to understand what was going on in her head, seemed to know that she’d been thinking too much about the past. He intensified his movements, made the thrusts deeper and longer until she could no longer think of anything except him and this burning need to reach some elusive goal.
Then suddenly she was there, her whole body quaking with a climax that drove everything else from her head. Dylan was right with her, too, his timing as impeccable as ever.
Completely drained, she snuggled against him. “Do you think it will always be like this?”
“I think I’ll probably die if it is,” he said. He met her gaze. “What I really think is how remarkable you are.”
“Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about you.”
“Which tells me that we’re both doing entirely too much thinking, when there are far more interesting alternatives.”
Kelsey grinned. “Who needs a honeymoon, when there’s a very private jet? Think we can just stay up here?”
“At least until we run out of fuel.”
“Maybe we ought to consider getting to a hotel, after all,” she said with regret. “As nice as this is, I want to know our future is going to last a little longer than a few hours.”