“I am so angry at that S.O.B.,” Helen said when she wound down. “Surprised, too. I knew that their marriage had some rocky spots, but what marriage hasn’t? Had no clue that he’d cheated on her. I certainly didn’t know about any baby. I’d have told you that.”
Genevieve believed her. “Willow never mentioned divorce to you?”
“Nope. Never hinted at it.”
“Oh. I wish she’d talked to you.” Genevieve realized thatwas true, too. “I wish she had talked to somebody. I’m certain her sister didn’t know. Brooke wouldn’t have been able to keep that kind of secret, either. We could have helped Willow through this.”
“Are you sure?” Helen gave her a sidelong glance.
“Yes. I’m her mother. I know what it’s like to be widowed.”
“But you don’t know what it’s like to be the widow of an asshole, and besides, that made you Mommy Always Right.”
Genevieve’s feathers ruffled. “Excuse me?”
“Well, look at it from Willow’s point of view. Because you were right all along, she had some crow to eat about Andy.”
“I didn’t want her to eat crow,” Genevieve insisted. “I wanted her to have a happy marriage.”
“I’ll give you that.” Helen slowed the car as the traffic signal they approached turned yellow, then red. Once the car had stopped, she looked at Genevieve and said, “But be honest. Deep down inside yourself, where Evil Genevieve lives, you preened a bit and did theI was rightdance when she fessed up.”
“Well, maybe. But I didn’t let her see it.”
“No, but she knows. She knows you.”
“Okay, that makes me feel bad. I don’t want her to hurt. Willow has enough hurt in her life, which is why Maggie Eldridge had no business dumping her problems on my daughter. Unfortunately, I can’t even be angry at Maggie right now because of poor Tom. I know Maggie is going through hell. I understand her wanting to keep that cheating asshat’s love child. AJ is her grandson. But the boy isn’t Willow’s responsibility.”
“You are right about that, Genevieve,” Helen agreed as the light changed, and they resumed their drive.
“I’m thankful Willow nixed moving to Texas, but I cannot believe she said yes to bringing him here to Lake in the Clouds, into her home. Why, that child is the—” Genevieve bit off the sentence.
“The what?”
“Never mind. It’s too mean. I won’t say it.”
Interest in her gaze, Helen prodded. “Won’t say what?”
Her lips pursed, Genevieve didn’t respond, so Helen, being Helen, started guessing. “The bastard’s bastard? The spawn of Satan?”
“The incarnation of betrayal.”
“Ouch. How very Catholic of you. C’mon, Genevieve, he’s just a child.”
“Oh, I know. That’s why I didn’t say it. Look, I’m not blaming the baby. Truly, I’m not.” Genevieve brought her hands to her head and massaged her temples with her fingertips. “It’s a bad situation all around. So, I want to do what I can to change bad to good. But Willow ismychild. I’m going to protectmychild first. Every time she looks at that little boy, it will be an arrow through her heart. I don’t want her to suffer that way.”
“She’s an adult, Genevieve. She gets to decide what works for her.”
“I know. I recognize that. I acknowledge that.”
Genevieve turned a fierce look her sister’s way as she continued, “But that doesn’t mean that Willow won’t be my baby until the day I die. If she’s tied to the railroad tracks and I see a train of pain bearing down upon her, I’ll do everything possible to get to her with a pair of scissors in time.”
“I know, honey,” Helen said in a placating tone.
“The rest of the world can protect Andy Eldridge’s love child, but I’m going to watch out for Willow!” Genevievedeclared. Then with a sly self-satisfied smile, she added, “That’s where you come in.”
“Me?” Helen reflexively tapped the brake. “You’ve lost me.”
“Careful!” Genevieve checked the side mirror to see if they were in danger of being rear-ended. Luckily, the road behind them was clear. She returned to her point. “Look, what do we really know about this little boy? Just what Maggie told Willow. Maggie’s interests and ours are not aligned. And who’s to say that the child’s best interests align with Maggie’s? AJ needs someone looking out for his best interests. Under ordinary circumstances, I’d volunteer, but in this case, I’m one hundred percent Team Willow. So that leaves you.”