Eternity Springs, Colorado
WILLOW ELDRIDGE STOOD INthe dining hall of the Rocking L Ranch. She told herself that she absolutely, positively couldn’t cry. She had to show courage and project confidence. She had to paste on a smile and be happy!
Heaven help her.
This was so hard. Willow didn’t know if she could do it. The what-ifs swirled through her head like scraps of paper in a funnel cloud. Today, she was dropping her son, Drew, off for a week at summer camp. This would be the first time they’d spent a night apart since his father died over a year and a half ago.
“Mom, how far away is Nana’s house again?” Drew asked.
“Lake in the Clouds is less than one hundred miles from here.” Barely. Ninety-eight point six, to be exact. With much of it over winding mountain roads. “I can be here in no time at all if you really need me. But you’re not going to need me. You’re going to be too busy having tons of fun.”
He sighed. “I guess. I’m a little scared.”
Me, too.“That’s normal, buddy, but you’ll be fine. You’re just about the bravest boy I know.”
“You don’t know any other boys.”
“That is not true. What about Jackson and Aiden and Ethan?”
At this mention of three of his friends, he shrugged. “They’re all braver than me. I’m a wussy.”
“Andrew John Eldridge! You are not a wussy.”
“Nathan Campbell says I am.”
“Nathan Campbell is a bully, and you do not need to listen to anything he says.”
“He’s my friend.”
“Well, he’s not a very good friend,” Willow retorted. The child was a mean little tyrant, and Willow wanted her son out of that boy’s orbit. She had her fingers and toes crossed that Drew and Nathan ended up in different classes this year. That might not solve the problem, but it certainly should help.
A teenager approached wearing khaki shorts and a green T-shirt sporting the Rocking L Ranch logo. They’d met Sean Rafferty upon their arrival ten minutes ago, and he was to be one of Drew’s cabin counselors. “All right, Drew. I have you all checked in. You’re going to be in Black Bear Cabin. If you come with me, I’ll show you where to stow your gear and introduce you to your cabinmates.”
Willow swallowed hard and willed away the tears that threatened. Then, leaning down, she gave Drew one more hug and said, “I’ll see you in a week, Drew. Have a fabulous time. I love you.”
She waited, hoping for anI love you, too, but Drewwasan eight-year-old boy. He wouldn’t get mushy in front of his counselor. So instead, he gave her a wave and a shaky smile and said, “Bye, Mom.”
She allowed her eyes to water only after he had walkedout the door. She turned around to head toward her car and discovered the camp director watching her, his dark eyes warm with understanding, his smile sympathetic. She’d liked Chase Timberlake when she’d spoken to him on the phone earlier this week. Meeting him today reinforced that positive impression. He struck her as capable and caring. Drew would be in good hands.
Approaching Chase, Willow said, “Thank you again for making room for him.”
He gave her an easy smile. “I’m thrilled we had a bunk for Drew. We rarely have a last-minute cancellation, so I think this was meant to be. He’ll have a great week and come home with tales of grand adventure. So don’t worry about him. We’ll take good care of him.”
“I know you will. Everyone I’ve spoken with raves about what a special place the Rocking L Ranch is and how much good you’ve done for troubled children in the years you’ve been in operation.”
“Camp is a labor of love for many of us in Eternity Springs,” Chase replied.
The camp had been founded by local philanthropists with the vision of serving children who had suffered a significant loss. Two weeks ago, a friend of Willow’s aunt had suggested that Drew apply for a place in the camp’s final summer session. The phone call from Chase with news of the opening had come earlier this week. Life had been a mad rush of camp prep ever since.
Someone called Chase’s name, and he excused himself. “We’ll see you next Saturday, Willow. Don’t worry about him. Drew is going to have the time of his life.”
“I know he will—if he manages to not hurt himself. Word of warning, Chase. The child is accident-prone.”
“Noted. We’ll keep an extra-close eye on him. You have my word.”