Page 109 of Balancing Act

“What next step?” Willow asked.

Genevieve and Helen met each other’s gazes. Genevieve said, “Helen’s research uncovered that Jenna Randall had an older brother. Damon Randall is in the service, stationed overseas at Ramstein Air Base in Germany. He and Jenna have been out of touch for some time.”

“Semi-estrangedis the term his wife used,” Helen said. “I called and spoke to her last night after the party. I was going to call this morning, but with the time difference…” She shrugged. “I didn’t see the sense in waiting. We had a lovely call, considering the news I shared.”

“You told her about AJ?”

“Let me finish, Willow,” Helen said. “Damon’s wife’s name is Lisa, and she and Damon have been married for six years. They’re due to rotate home to Edwards Air Force Base inCalifornia in August. They don’t have any children, and I sensed that was a disappointment. Anyway, Damon had not been notified of his sister’s death.”

“Oh.” Willow covered her mouth with her hand and grimaced at the thought. “So, you told her?”

“I did.”

“Oh, Auntie. That’s a horrible thing to have to do.”

Ice clinked in Genevieve’s drink as she gave the celery stick a twirl. She met Willow’s gaze and said, “Auntie did not inform Lisa Randall that Jenna had a child.”

“I wanted to,” Helen said, “but your mother insisted that the decision is up to you.”

“Oh wow. Wow.”

Helen carried her drink around the bar and stood behind her sister. Willow couldn’t see it from where she sat, but Noah had the angle. He watched Helen give Genevieve’s arm a squeeze of encouragement before she turned a smile on him. “Would you be a dear, Noah, and join me outside? I’d like you to check my tire pressure. I swear my left rear tire feels to be running a little low on air.”

“Sure, Helen.” He fitted a blue block on top of a yellow, then handed the stack to AJ. “Why don’t you build a house for Emma now, hot rod? She’ll be home soon.”


Noah rose and followed Helen outside. As always, the dogs came with him, and as he shut the door behind them, he said, “Am I correct that your tire doesn’t need tending?”

“Smart man. Yes, my tires are fine. Those two need a little privacy.”

“Should I grab the kid and bring him and the dogs outside?”

“No, let him stay. He’s part of this, isn’t he? Part of it, butnot all of it. Why don’t you show me this workshop of yours? Drew talks about it all the time. He tells me he’s helping you build dollhouses to burn.”

“We’re building. We’re not going to do the burning part. He’s having trouble getting that part of it through his head.”

Noah led Willow’s aunt into his workshop, and he switched on the lights. Immediately, Helen’s gaze went to the yellow-and-white dollhouse on his workbench. “It’s like Emma’s.”

“I’ve made a few changes in the design, but yes, it’ll be a lot like Emma’s.”

Helen studied the dollhouse before turning an admiring look his way. “And what lucky little girl will receive this when it’s finished?”

Noah hesitated. “I may use it as a sample. Willow is encouraging me to take orders for them at the Christmasin-July festival.”

“That’s a fabulous idea!”

“I’m not so sure.”

“Why not?”

He picked up a paintbrush and tapped it against the table. “I’m healthy enough to return to work. I’m a firefighter, Helen. I think it’s time I go home to Denver.”

She remained silent for a long moment before saying, “I see. Well, I know that will disappoint many people around here, but you have to do what you think best. Have you told Willow you’re leaving yet?”

“No. I’m still not sure of my schedule. I have a long way to go before I’m sturdy enough on my feet to be confident to carry anyone else along with me. I need to try to do this, Helen. Nothing says I’ll be successful.”

She snorted. “You’ll do just fine. That said, if you will allow this old woman to give you a piece of advice? Whatever you do, communicate and be honest with Willow. She needs that. She deserves that.”