“Inspiration Point,” Tess said to Jake, exchanging an intimate smile with him.
Some history between them there, Willow thought.
“You get a lot of rain here in spring,” Jake observed. “What about indoor places?”
“You could hold the ceremony at St. Vincent’s, where we went to church on Christmas,” Helen said. “I doubt they have a wedding already scheduled since the church mainly serves locals. I don’t know of any local weddings scheduled for the last weekend in March, do you, Genevieve?”
“I don’t,” Genevieve confirmed.
Tess’s eyes lit up. “Oh, that’s a lovely old church.”
“The parish hall is too small for a reception, but we always have the lodge to offer. If you’d prefer a reception venue less rustic than our lodge—”
“Yes,” Brooke interjected. “Something without cuckoo clocks.”
“It’s possible we could hold the reception at The Emily if we can get our contractor to speed up our renovations.”
Willow’s mother had partnered with rancher Gage Throckmorton to renovate an old movie theater in Lake in the Clouds. They’d renamed it The Emily after Gage’s late wife. Willow nodded her agreement to the idea. “The Emily would be a beautiful indoor reception venue.”
“The stage would make a great dance floor,” Helen added.
Genevieve nodded. “All the theater seating will be out for refinishing in March. We could bring in tables and chairs.”
“Isn’t the floor sloped?” Brooke asked.
“I’m sure we could overcome that issue with some temporary flooring. In fact, that might be something Gage and I should discuss. It would certainly make the facility more versatile. There might be other appropriate places available, too, if you think Lake in the Clouds is an option.”
“Maybe. Although, Raindrop Lodge is special to us. I don’t have a problem with rustic.” Tess considered a moment, then groaned. “I don’t know. I’m overwhelmed. I don’t see how Jake and I can pull this off with our workload. Megan is an excellent wedding planner, but asking her to start over with our event and do it long-distance? I doubt she’d have the time or the desire to work for us.”
Willow looked at her son and then toward her daughter. An idea began to form in her mind. Then, speaking to Tess,she asked, “Details like that aside, would you want to get married in Lake in the Clouds?”
Tess and Jake exchanged a look, then Tess nodded. “We fell in love here. I think it would be very nice to get married here, too.”
Willow nodded. “Then let me be your wedding planner.”
“Great idea!” Brooke exclaimed. “Willow is a fabulous event planner. She’s won all sorts of awards and recognition.”
Tess folded her hands prayerfully. “You would do that for us? Seriously? Oh, Willow. That would be fabulous.”
“Sure you want to do that, sis?” Jake asked. “Might be challenging to do from Nashville.”
“It probably would, yes.” Willow couldn’t have received a clearer sign for the answer to the question that had plagued her today.It’ll be Christmas morning déjà vu for the kids.She drew in a deep breath, then planted her flag. “That’s why I’ll do it from here. Mom? Auntie? Could the children and I stay here at Raindrop Lodge? Do you have a cabin available for a long-term rental?”
“Absolutely!” Helen exclaimed.
“We’ll need it for the spring semester. Beyond that, well, we’ll see how it goes.”
“But what about your work?” Brooke asked.
“I haven’t booked many events this winter.” Between the proceeds from Andy’s life insurance and the inheritance she’d received from her grandfather, Willow didn’t need to worry about finances. She worked because she enjoyed it and because she needed some adult interaction in her life. She kept her schedule light because she wanted to be available to meet her children’s needs. “I can take care of the commitments I do have from here.”
“Hold on. Wait a minute.” Drew scrambled around in hischair and sat on his knees, his eyes wide with hope as he met his mother’s gaze. “We’re gonna move here? To Lake in the Clouds? Will I go to school? Where?”
“Yes,” Willow responded. “I don’t know where yet. I’ll want to look into the public and private elementary schools, see what’s available, and determine which would be a good fit for you.”
Genevieve spoke softly. “I can’t believe you want to move here.”
Willow froze. Was that dismay she heard in her mother’s voice? Surely not. Genevieve had always bemoaned that she lived so far away from her only grandchildren.