“With this leg? That’d be pressing our luck. I’m afraid we’d both end up crumpled at the bottom of the stairs.”
“Valid point.”
“Besides, I need to make a run up to the house for necessary supplies. If I’m the first guy since numbnuts, I doubt you carry condoms in your handbag.”
“True.” Willow smiled brilliantly at him.
“I’ll be quick as a minute. Well, getting to the house and back. Not once I’m in bed with you. There, I’ll take my time. I promise. Although, fair warning, the first time might be quicker than we’d like because it has been a long time, but I’ll make it up to you the second—”
“Go, Tannehill.” Laughing, Willow pushed him toward the door. “Hurry.”
“Don’t change your mind while I’m gone!”
“I won’t.”
“Better put the puppy in her pen.”
“I will.”
Noah exited the apartment and hurried toward the house. Halfway there, Noah began to run.
Chapter Twelve
GENEVIEVE TAPPED HER FOOTon the wheelchair’s footrest while waiting for Helen to pull her car into the hospital’s circular drive. She wanted to stand up. She wanted to pace and rant and rage. Instead, she had to sit quietly and exchange small talk with the poor orderly tasked with seeing her safely into her ride away from the hospital.
Finally, Helen pulled up in her Range Rover. Genevieve lurched from the wheelchair over the orderly’s cautions. She climbed into her sister’s vehicle, tossing the young man a smile over her shoulder. “Thank you so much, Steve. Have a nice evening, now. Good luck on that English exam.”
She slammed the passenger door shut. “Get me out of here.”
“Oh, Genevieve. Cool your jets. You’ve been here, what—four hours? Five?”
“I got four stitches in my hand. One per hour. I had time enough to have a colonoscopy or something else fun while I was there.”
“Want me to turn around?”
Genevieve ignored the question. Her hand throbbed. Her heart ached. Hadn’t Willow gone through enough already?
“Did you know about this, Helen?”
Warily, Helen asked, “Know about what?”
Genevieve’s tone was flat and grim as she said, “Andy’s baby mama.”
Her sister gasped and whipped her head around to pin Genevieve with a look. “His what?”
“Baby mama. When Andy died, he left behind a pregnant girlfriend.”
“He did not!” Helen scoffed.
“Yes, he did.”
Helen’s eyes flashed with fury, and she turned a corner a shade too fast. “Why, that asshole!”
Genevieve studied her sister closely. “You really didn’t know?”
“No!” Helen exclaimed. “I’m totally out of the loop on this. Spill the tea, sister.”
Genevieve did just that, hitting the highlights—or low-lights, as it were—about everything she’d learned from Willow today. When she was done, Helen let out a long, low whistle and a string of unflattering curses directed toward the late Andy Eldridge.