Page 7 of Mistletoe Mine

“I’d be honored to bake your wedding cake,” Sarah offered. “Ali Timberlake could do the catering, too. She’s a wonderful cook.”

Molly met Mason’s gaze with a questioning look.

“It could be great,” he said.

“Or a disaster,” she replied.

“Either way, it’d break the ice with your parents before the wedding.” He shrugged and added, “It’s up to you, Molly. You’re the bride, and I’m fine with whatever you want.”

“I’m the bride,” she repeated, a smile slowly spreading across her face. “How cool is that?”

“Totally cool,” her Maid of Honor agreed.

Molly considered the question for another minute, then nodded. “Okay, let’s do it. Unless our families have an objection that we haven’t anticipated, let’s get married here in Eternity Springs at Christmas.”

“Excellent.” Celeste stepped forward and gave them both a hug. “When we finish here, let’s stop by the office and get it on the calendar. How exciting.”

“A winter wedding in Eternity Springs!” Celeste exclaimed.

Mason leaned over and kissed Molly lightly on the mouth. “And with any luck, a family Merry Christmas at Angel’s Rest.”

“Merry Christmas? With my parents?” Molly closed her eyes and grimaced. “I hope it doesn’t turn intoGunfight at the O.K. Corral.”

Celeste laughed and gave Molly another hug. “Don’t worry, child. I have a feeling this will be a Christmas season of joy for the Stapleton family.”

“From your mouth to God’s ears, Celeste.”

“That’s the way it works, dear. That’s the way it works.”

* * *


Emma Stapleton logged off the online telephone call with a trembling hand, then stood staring at the screen, lost in thought, blinking back tears. Her manager, Nicco Berlini, walked into their suite at the Savoy and halted abruptly.“Cara mia,”he said, worry in his tone. “You are as pale as a ghost. What is wrong? What terrible thing has happened?”

“Not a terrible thing,” she replied, proud that her voice didn’t shake. “A good thing. A wonderful thing.”

When she didn’t continue, Nicco crossed the room to her, took her hands, and lifted them to his lips for a kiss. “And what wonderful thing puts such sorrow in those big blue eyes?”

“It’s not sorrow,” she insisted. “It’s not. Truly. I’m happy.”

Nicco arched his brows.

“My Molly is getting married.”

“Aha,” he murmured, his gaze full of caring and concern.

Emma’s mouth lifted in a crooked smile. When the man looked at her like that, she could almost forget that he could give Lothario a run for his money. Nicco was a cliché: tall, dark, and handsome. His thick, black-as-midnight hair set off liquid brown eyes that smoldered on a whim. His nose was a thin Roman blade, his cheekbones sharp, his lips thickly sensuous. He dressed in Armani and flirted with anything in a skirt. Emma trusted him with her career and money, but her heart was strictly off-limits.

Been there, done that, with a too-handsome-for-her-own-good man.

Not that Jared had been a horndog like Nicco. No, his sins against her were something else entirely.

“So young Mason popped the question, did he?” Nicco asked, his voice gentle. “You told me you adore the young man. Why the watery eyes?”

Emma opened her mouth, then couldn’t find the words. How could she verbalize the emotions running through her when they didn’t make sense? Shedidadore Mason. Shewashappy for Molly. So why did the thought of being the mother of the bride make her want to cry?

Two words: Jared Stapleton.