Page 25 of Mistletoe Mine

“You weren’t there for me when I needed you most.”

“That was wrong of me. I’m so very sorry.”

She smiled sadly as tears glistened in her eyes. “I’m sorryare such powerful words. Why was saying them so hard for us? Why has it taken us so long to say them?”

“Because we’re . . . How did Molly put it? Stubborn and intractable.” He moved slowly toward his wife, saying, “I also think we were lost in our own pain, coming at it from two directions. We should have been strong enough to be there for each other. You are right, honey.I’m sorryare powerful words, and we are a pair of fools for not having said them before now.”

Jared knew some other powerful words that they could exchange. Was this the right time? Did he want to hear them? Did he want tosaythem?


“Emma . . .” He took another step toward her, but she nervously backed away. His heart sank.Is it too late?

“The gifts,” she stuttered out. “What was Molly talking about when she mentioned gifts?”

Jared saw yearning in her eyes but also fear. She was afraid. Of what? Of him? Of making a mistake? Of laying her heart bare and being rejected? Those were the things making him afraid.

So, what was the worst thing that could happen? A blow to his silly pride? Hadn’t his pride stood in the way too long already? And if the worst didn’t happen...if the best happened instead...he could have Emma back.

He wanted that more than anything else in the world.

Take a chance, Stapleton. Take a chance on yourself, Emma, and the love you’ve shared for so long.Reaching out, he took her hand. “I brought Christmas gifts for you, Emma.”

She licked her lips. “You did?”

“Yep.” His heart pounded, and he realized he was a little afraid, also. “I have this year’s gift. And three more.”

“Four. You brought last year’s gift?”

He nodded. “And from the year before that. And, from that first awful year.

A ghost of a smile flashed over her lips. “I brought gifts for you, too.”

He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “You did?”

Her smile returned and stayed. “I also brought four.”

“What are they?”

“It’s not Christmas yet.”

“Isn’t it? I feel as if maybe Christmas has come early.”

Jared pulled her into his arms, and she willingly melted against him. “I know some other powerful words that need to be said.”

They spoke simultaneously.

“I love you, Jared Stapleton.”

“I love you, Emma Stapleton.”

They stared into each other’s eyes, love shining bright enough to light up the cave. Then, with joy in his heart, Jared bent his head and claimed his wife’s mouth in a long, passionate kiss beneath the mistletoe.

When they finally came up for air, Jared checked his watch. They had another hour before Molly said she’d return, and there was a handy stack of quilts on the shelf behind his wife. “Speaking of Christmas gifts, gonna let me unwrap mine now?”

A tiny frown creased Emma’s brow. “They’re back at Angel’s Rest.”

His fingers slipped a pearl button on her blouse free of its buttonhole. “Not all of them.”