“You’re a good friend, Megan.”

“I’m a fucking great friend,” she corrects. “But I’m drunk, and that’s not helpful. I’m getting myself water. I need to stay up until she checks in and will need about fifty coffees to stay awake. Do you want one?”

“Yes, please.”

Megan slips into a gap at the bar while I find a table nearby to sit at. I pull out my phone and, with little thought, decide to text Lance.

Scarlet: Are you a clit man through practice or because of our connection?

I stare at the words after I send the message. “That sounded better in my head.”

Asshole CFO: Am I a what?

Scarlet: Do you use google maps when you drive?

I think back to the day before when he picked me up from the pharmacy.

Scarlet: Oh shit, you do!

Scarlet: Was it all a fluke?

Asshole CFO: Where are you?

Scarlet: We’re at The Pearl.

I’ve had entirely too much to drink, but I know what I want right now, and I don’t think past that need—or the fact he bolted on me this morning—when I type my next message.

Scarlet: Come and get me.

Scarlet: I want you.

How did the tables turn so quickly from last night? I went from not wanting anything more than a night with him to craving everything he’ll give me. The thought of his body warming mine. His heady scent wrapped around me. His deep voice, a steady hum as he held me close and answered every question I asked him.

I wait for what feels like forever for his message to come through, and when it eventually does, my heart sinks.

Asshole CFO: I’m a little tied up right now. Get a lift home.

Tied up. Where? With who? It’s one a.m.

I sit and stare at the message for a couple of minutes, annoyed that I’ve even put myself in a position to be shut down after the way he left this morning.

Asshole CFO: Home. Now, Scarlet.

Is he with someone else? The guys? I kind of hope it’s them. Or maybe it’s another woman. Would he be with someone so soon after being with me? Disappointed, I slip my phone into my bag and wait for Megan to come back to the table with our water. I down my whole glass, and then I tell her I’m ready to leave. My dad had someone drive me into the city this afternoon, and I text the number I was given to ask them to come and pick me up.

They arrive within three minutes of me sending the message.

“Do you want a lift back?” I ask Megan.

She waves me off. “I’ll wait and see what Luce is doing. Don’t worry about me. I can see myself home.”

I pull the business card out of my bag and hand it to her. “My dad trusts these guys. Call them when you’re ready. I’ll let them know, so they’ll be expecting you.”

She takes the card and flips it over in her hand. “This is next-level rich people shit.”

“It’s a taxi,” I tell her, laughing. I pull her in for a hug. “Thank you for tonight. You’ll never know how badly I needed it.”

“You thank me now, but you’re stuck with us for life. We’ll probably meet next week when Nina’s back from Paris. We’ll let you know when.”