“No. But I know your brother does now.” He lifts a thick bushy brow, and I roll my eyes, looking away. “I like him enough. Will he be coming around here again?”

“Not likely.”


My teeth pinch together. “He’s Mason 2.0. Probably worse.” And he practically ran from the house after our shower this morning.

He looked down at me while I was on my knees as if he’d seen a ghost and then completely shut off.

“You know what they say about people who assume, Scarlet. Do you know him well enough to form that opinion?”

No… “I know enough.”

He looks down at me sceptically.

I sigh. “Be on my side for once. I’m moping.”

“I am on your side.” He bumps my shoulder. “No more Lance. Got it.”

“Thank you.”

“So, why do you want to know what I know of the boy?”

Crap. For a second I forgot that I started this conversation. “I’m just curious. He kind of bolted this morning.”

He stays quiet for a moment, peacefully gazing around the garden. “Does your brother know he spent the night here?”

I side-eye him. “No. Mason’s busy in Paris with Nina.”

“Really…? Good. That’s good.” He rubs his hand over his face, and I look up to see a spot of blood on his knuckle.

“Dad, your nose. It’s bleeding again.”

“It’s fine.” He brushes it off. “It’s been like it all week.”

“I’ll call Dr Sarnmer back when we get in. We can get an appointment for today.” I already called our doctor once today to ask to have the morning-after pill sent to the pharmacy.

“Not necessary.” He shakes his head, clutching my hand. “It’s fine. I promise. Just the side effects from the tablets.”

I nod my head, knowing he’s right, but worry still echoes in my gut. “You’ll tell me if you don’t feel right?”

He nods, squeezing my hand and pulling me to his side for a hug. I close my eyes and breathe him in, the smell of my mother’s wildflowers and his natural scent making my body slacken. “And Scarlet, I’m sorry if Lance upset you.”

“He didn’t upset me.”

He really didn’t. But I feel annoyed that I care so much about the way he left. I spent all morning going over everything we said last night. Everything he told me about his life. And honestly, it made me look at Lance completely differently than I did just a few days ago. I don’t want to think about the fact that he sees my brother like family or that maybe Mason and the guys are the only family he has to truly rely on. I don’t want to care that he shut down on me. But I do.

“Well, that’s good. I didn’t want to have to beat the poor boy.”

My face transforms, and I laugh. “Hmm. You’d do some damage with these chicken legs, Dad.” I grin as I grip his thigh right above his knee. He’s skinnier than he once was, the muscle that once lined his body seemingly weakening by the day. But with the hold he has on me, the way his arm wraps around my back and his wide chest that expands with each breath beneath my cheek, I know he’d give it his best shot.

“Less of the cheek, thank you.”

I chuckle, feeling his smile on the top of my head.

“Vinny called me before. Asked if I wanted to watch the rugby with him this afternoon.”

I’d contemplated going out with the girls this morning and texted Vinny, but the idea of leaving Dad now feels rotten. I was up until the early hours of the morning with Lance. I feel stripped, drained and in desperate need of a long soak in the bath.