Scarlet: Charlie and Elliot didn’t get me anything

Scarlet: You haven’t even said happy birthday to me

The three dots bounce again, over and over, before they stop. I find myself waiting, hanging on for the next text to ping.

Then there’s a soft knock.

I place the box on the bed and rush to the door. When I pull it open, I find Lance leaning in the doorway, hands on either side of the threshold, his bare chest taut and his abs viciously flexing.

“Did you like your gift?” he asks with a slight smile.

Fuck. Me.

My eyes dance up to his face, not being able to focus on one part of him. Some men are men. Some are boys. Some are men who are pretty and know it. And then some… some are all man.

Six-foot-something, two-hundred-and-who-cares pounds. Complete. Rugged. MAN. Lance is Man. “It’s lovely.”


I snap out of my fuzzy head and concentrate on him—or his words. “Oh. Yeah. It really was, thank you.”

“You haven’t opened it, have you?” He pushes past me and into the room.

I scan the landing before shutting the door. “I was about to open it.”

“Go for it. I want to see what you think.”

My gaze is assessing as I walk toward the gift box.

He’s stretched himself out on the chair at the end of the bed, his arm thrown over his head to prop it up. “Am I putting you off?” he asks when I make no move to open the present.

My mind goes back to the card.

I wasn’t sure what to get you, but I’m certain you haven’t attracted any cock in the last twelve months.

“Oh, god. What is it?”

“It’s lovely.” He grins.

I sit on the bed and tear into the wrapping paper, only now realising it has Nells written on the packaging. When I see the box, my face heats.


“Yes, my darling.”

“You bought me a vibrator. What if my dad finds it?”

He shrugs. “Where do you normally hide your toys?”

“I don’t! I live with my dad.”

He sits up a little. “Wait—”

“What if Mason sees it? I didn’t bring an overnight bag because I didn’t expect to stay. How do I sneak it out of here?”

“You don’t have toys at home?”
