“You bet on me?” I ask, waiting for him to move back completely.
“You make it too easy, Sullivan. You kids enjoy your night.”
He kisses Scarlet’s cheek and clasps me on the shoulder, making his way to the table we’d been seated at for dinner.
“That’s a very pensive look you’re wearing, Mr Sullivan. A penny for your thoughts?”
“I was just thinking about all the people in this room.” I place my hand on her hip and bring her to my chest, making a mockery of space and time as I stare down at her. She has a slight shimmer on her eyelids, but the way her eyes glint up at me has my fingers lifting, clearing the loose lock of hair obstructing my view to behind her ear.
She swallows. “And?” she asks, smiling as I run away in my mind again.
“And…” I lace our fingers, trailing a strong hand up her exposed back, my lips lowering to her ear. “I decided they’re fucking idiots if they don’t see what’s in front of their faces. What they choose to ignore.”
“Which is?”
Our temples touch and I feel the heat as her cheek flames against mine. “Flattery will get you fucked, kind sir.”
A deep laugh ripples from my chest. “I’m not trying to make you fuck me, sunshine.” I step away, and her head dips back as I start to move us. She comes back to me on cue, the delicate swell of her breast rising and falling as her chest works, my lips skirting dangerously close in the room full of people. “I’m trying to make you fall in love with me.”
I spin her, not brave enough to gauge the look on her face. A coward to the truth. The reminder isn’t welcome. She goes into the spin willingly, letting me lead her around the dance floor for the remainder of the song.
Only when it finishes do I chance a glimpse down at her.
Her eyes soften almost immediately, her body sagging against me. Not a care in the world for the people around us. I hold her to me, strong. “Are you afraid of what I might say?”
I shake my head. “When you look at me like that? No.”
Her smile widens, and it’s more than enough.
But she doesn’t say it back.
The night was better than anything I ever could have dreamt of. There wasn’t a single person who didn’t thank me or tell me what an incredible evening it’s been, and I’ve already booked the caterers for next year.
TheannualAntlis Memorial Ball.
“She’d be so proud of me,” I muse, smiling as I roll into Lance’s side.
The meadow is still lit up thanks to the lanterns. We’re lying on top of Lance’s tux jacket side by side, flattening a patch of wildflowers as we stare up at the stars.
I wasn’t ready to go to bed or to be indoors. This night seemed too good to leave behind, and after everyone left, my ears still ringing from the band, I knew I needed the quiet sanctuary only the meadow could offer me.
“I don’t doubt it for a second,” Lance tells me, voice throaty. He turns his head and kisses my forehead. I lean into the kiss. “Everyone is proud of you, Scarlet. All of us.”
“Even Mase came.” And it was perfect. Ellis and Nina were here with him. A family. “They’re going to get back together again. The way Mason was with them tonight.”
“I hope so.” He swallows, his head twisting back to the starlit sky. “If anyone deserves happiness, it’s them.”
I watch him, his eyes still harbouring slight shadows. This week has been hard on him. He works out, works, and then drives all the way to the estate and helps me, repeating the process after a minimal amount of sleep. But I’m not stupid, and I know that the man I ran into last month was hurting. I think he’s still hurting now, but I haven’t and won’t say that out loud. “We all deserve happiness, Lance,” I murmur, leaning in to settle on his chest. His arm wraps around my waist, pulling me impossibly closer.
“Maybe.” He sighs.
“Have you seen your mum or sisters recently?” I ask.
Lance loves family. And although my brother and the guys are the closest thing he has to that, having his mum and sisters be what he needs, what he’s always wanted, is something I’m not sure he’ll ever let go of.