“I knew that he needed me, and I wasn’t there! I failed him when he needed me the most, and you let me.”
“Scarlet, honey.” I step to the side as Freya Montgomery eases into the kitchen, her short grey bob as pristine as ever. “Glen and I think it would be best that you come home with us this evening, or we can come here for a couple of weeks. We don’t want you alone.”
I should be with her.
Nobody else.
I wait for her eyes to find mine, wait for her to tell them she doesn’t need them.
“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.”
A shudder runs through my body, my chest working as my heart thumps.
She’s shutting me out.
She can’t.
I swallow the words working themselves free, needing them to come out right.
“I’m going to get things straight at the office,” Charlie announces, nodding at Elliot. And then he shifts his eyes to me.
I watch him kiss Scarlet’s forehead. Watch her lean into him. “Call me if you need me, okay?”
She smiles at him, and my heart sinks.
“I’ll come with you,” I strangle out, clearing my throat.
Her eyes meet mine for the first time in over an hour, and I’m barely able to give her a nod before I turn and walk out of the house.
Everything inside of me roars, the feeling sickeningly familiar.
I’m not needed here.
I climb into my car and leave, knowing Charlie’s on my tail. He follows me as I head down the back roads, pulling up beside me when I stop at the abandoned Audi.
I get out of the car and scrub my face with my hands, my throat thick with unuttered words.
“I shouldn’t have left.” I turn and look at my friend, throwing my hands out to my sides. “But how could I stay?”
“You couldn’t.” He dips his head. “I knew you were going to say something you’d regret.”
I snigger and walk away.
She’s in pain, and I’m not there.
She doesn’t want me to be there.
My fist impales the rear window of my McLaren before Charlie can stop me.
“No.” I hold up my hand to stop him, untamed emotion making my voice shake. “No.”