Curiosity mars her brow. “A few times. Did Mase tell you that?”
“No, the girls. They mentioned him on my birthday that night at the penthouse, and I remembered the name when you mentioned him earlier.”
She nods. “Joey’s a nice enough guy, but he’s not my type.”
“Of course, it’s dramatic, entitled assholes you like, isn’t it?”
Her mouth drops, and she bites back the laugh that threatens. “No comment.”
I smirk, pulling open the oven door as I side-eye her. “I love the bastard, really.”
She smiles. “He is a total drama queen, though.”
I laugh, shutting the oven door and reaching for my glass of wine. “The worst.”
I’m almost always a morning person, but this morning my head is pounding, and my body feels like it’s failing me. When I eventually climbed into bed last night, it was past midnight, and I stupidly checked my phone, something I seem to do a lot more recently, and found another text from Lance.
And like every other night this week, he didn’t let me sleep until my toes were curling and his name was falling from my lips.
If I’m being honest with myself, the reason I so desperately wanted Nina to stay over wasn’t just because she’s becoming such a close friend. I missed having Lance here last night, missed having him unpack his day and listen to me ramble on about God knows what. Missed the routine we’ve so easily fallen into night after night. And that realisation was enough to make me question everything. Because maybe I can do this with him.
To have a life outside of the estate.
“Meet me somewhere after you’ve dropped Nina off.”
“No. You’re supposed to be at work.” I smile through my windscreen, watching as the clouds darken over the estate. I’m waiting for Nina to say goodbye to my dad so that I can drop her back into the city, and what was supposed to be a quick good morning text has turned into a negotiation with Lance Sullivan.
“I’m at work. I’ll be done with my meeting by eleven, and then you can meet me at my place.”
“Lance, I said no. I’m trying to avoid you if you haven’t noticed.”
“Yeah? How’s that going for you?”
“Dandy. Now go do some work. I’ll see you tonight.”
“Text me when you leave Lucy and Megan’s. I’ll have lunch at home, and we can—”
“Goodbye, Lance.”
“Make sure you’re ready for me, sunshine.”
I shake my head, cheeks warming from the way his voice rasps through the phone. “You’re relentless.”
“That’s a good girl. It’s nice to hear you finally listening to me.”
“I never said yes.”
“But you liked it when I told you to be ready for me, didn’t you?”
I glance out through the garage doors, checking for Nina.
Goddam him.
“Are you already ready for me?” he purrs.
“Not even a little bit.”
I can tell he’s smiling before he even speaks. “Little white lies won’t hurt me, Baby Lowell.”